Jorn, Aia and Viarmo need your help to retrieve some interesting songs from all around Skyrim. A new wandering bard is looking for his father. Head to Solitude, become a bard and help out your fellow aspiring bards on their quest for graduating the Solitude Bards College.
This mod does not have any known dependencies other than the base game.
Other user's assetsAll the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources
Upload permissionYou are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances
Modification permissionYou are allowed to modify my files and release bug fixes or improve on the features so long as you credit me as the original creator
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Author notes
For Xbox ports: I port my own mods on the Bethesda website. It makes it easier for me to keep them up to date and running, without passing through another individual. Therefore, you are not allowed to port my mod for Xbox. For LE ports: You are allowed to port my mods for LE Skyrim, as long as you credit me as the original author.
The assets used belong to their own creators, in this case mr_siika, Tamira, MihailMods, RancidTodge and Dan Ruta. Credit them if you use their assets, not me.
File credits
- Necromaster Robes by MihailMods - Bone Colossus by MihailMods - Mr Siika Castle Seaview Kit by mr_siika and Tamira - Instruments of Torture - Melee Lute by RancidTodge - xVASynth 2 - SKVA Synth by Dan Ruta
Donation Points system
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More to do in the Bards College - The Shadow Song (CHS)
Version 1.0.1
Fixed the archive, added missing files
Version 1.0.0
Initial release
"All the bards here have talent. It takes study. Hard work." - Headmaestro Catrelle Georick (The Elder Scrolls Online)
This mod adds four small quests to the Bards College. They all need you to be part of the Bards College and finishing the original quest "Tending the Flames" before you can trigger them. Talk to Aia Arria, Jorn or Viarmo to start them.
A new aspiring wandering bard named Delric is also hanging around the Bards College, talk to him to find out what he wants.
Is there a player home or new followers?
No. Delric will follow you a bit during his quest but nothing more.
Where can I find the quests?
Head to Solitude, and find Aia, Jorn, Viarmo or Delric either outside in Solitude or inside the Bards College. Make sure you completed the quest "Tending the Flames".
What areas were changed?
Only doors added next to the Half Moon Mill or the Bards Leap and people near Falkreath and inside the Bards College. Old Hroldan Inn now has a letter inside, Pilgrim's Trench an additional chest and a cave now bears a bunch of books as well.
Is it compatible with mods modifying the Bards College?