About this mod
Weapon and Armor tempering degrade with hits.
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This mod degrades equipped weapons and armors with each hit the player does and receives using the vanilla tempering system.
- Degradation for weapons when you hit an enemy or object.
- Degradation for armor when you get hit by any weapon (No Magic).
- When you power attack, bash or hit a hard material, your weapons degrade faster.
- If you get hit by a crossbow or large creature, your armor degrade faster.
- Smithing skill will make your armors and weapons degrade slower.
- Degradation by material quality.
Using powerofthree's Papyrus Extender, degradation will only trigger when getting hit by weapons or hitting anything. Swinging weapons on the air will not degrade your weapons like other similar mods do.
This mod doesn't include break chance. The degradation works only on the Player because the implementation is on papyrus, and applying it to NPCs could cause script lag in combat.
Works on SE and AE.
Your armor will degrade faster when you get hit by any large creature (Giants, Mammoths, Dwarven Centurions, Dragons, etc.), crossbow, ballistas or blunt weapons.
Your weapons will degrade faster when you hit any object of a hard material. The material list used for this is the same used by the Recoil feature from Precision.
The Smithing bonus, reduces the degradation rate of weapons and armors each 25 levels, at Smithing 50 you will have 25% reduction of
degradation, and at 100 you will have a reduction of 50%. Weapons and
armors will be more durable with higher Smithing skill.
There are two settings for equipment of high and low material quality. Equipment of high material quality will degrade slower, while items of low material quality will degrade faster.
- High quality materials: Daedric, Dragonplate, Dragonscale, Dragonbone, Ebony, Stalhrim, Glass.
- Low quality materials: Leather, Iron, Wood, Studded, Hide and Imperial Light.
NPC Tempering
Using SPID all NPCs will get a spell that will temper any weapon or armor they have currently equipped. The temper level is based on the skill level related to the equipped item.
- Skill >= 100: Exquisite,Flawless,Epic,Legendary
- Skill >= 85: Superior,Exquisite,Flawless,Epic
- Skill >= 70: Fine,Superior,Exquisite,Flawless
- Skill >= 50: Fine,Superior,Exquisite
- Skill >= 30: Fine,Superior
- Skill < 30: Fine
The spell will execute one time only, and it won't apply to ghosts and children.
Thanks to powerofthree for the papyrus functions and events used by my mod.