About this mod
Remove turn animation. SE / AE support
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Removes character turn animation when rotating the screen.

Idle and movement-related turn animations used by NPCs are not removed.
Version 1
- Requirements : None
- Most turn animations are removed, but there are three cases where a brief turn animation may still appear:
- When rotating the character while drawing a weapon.
- When rotating the character right after stopping movement.
- When lock-on an enemy, TDM (True Directional Movement) users will see a brief turn animation for their character depending on the enemy's position.
Version 2
- Requirements:
- Behavior Data Injector (SE/AE)
- Behavior Data Injector Universal Support (AE) /
- Open Animation Replacer (SE/AE)
- All turn animations are completely removed.
- The three cases in Version 1 where a brief turn animation could still occur are also eliminated.
AE users will need to install both Behavior Data Injector and Behavior Data Injector Universal Support.