1. JDAnchor
    • premium
    • 821 kudos
         I thought I should take the time to share progress updates with you. I have been playing catch-up at work to be able to afford my bills. However, I have made substantial progress on huge updates/overhauls to Sigils of Skyrim, Monuments of Men, and some tweaks and fixes to Forgotten Retex Project. This month it has been raining a lot in my area, and since I work outside, my shifts are often canceled as working on the bay can be dangerous. In this time, I have spent hours and hours working on these updates. However, on Friday 3/7/25, my power supply in my PC failed and damaged my graphics card and motherboard. I am scraping by financially right now, so it may be some time before I can save up for these parts and get back to finishing and releasing these updates. I am truly sorry. You all have been so supportive and I owe you these updates. With some patience, you will get them. I promise. Love you all, JD
  2. UnknownPeal
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi! I love your retexture pack! It's fantastic to see a bunch of stuff that, like you said, gets overlooked get some much-needed love. Is there any way to get a 1k resolution version of them? Or is there some easy way I could do it? I'd be more than happy to do it myself if I knew how.
    1. JDAnchor
      • premium
      • 821 kudos
      I have plans for this. ;)
  3. JDAnchor
    • premium
    • 821 kudos
    Working on updates to my mods. What would you like to see added to this mod?
    1. alextotal00
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Happy new year!!, I would add Lockpicks, some more ingredients and a creation club basket texture fix patch, 
    2. JDAnchor
      • premium
      • 821 kudos
      Great suggestions. Let me look into ideas for this ;)
    3. PerpetuallyNumb
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      A look into trying to resolve currently known  bugs whether they're true or not as ironing out any possible bug complaints or looking into them since they're very old now is important
    4. gutmaw
      • premium
      • 1,013 kudos
      Heya JD, Thanks for asking!  I’d love to see any textures that don’t fit on vanilla NIF would be given a unique file path or unique name.  So many mods add static nifs with vanilla trishapes, and even tho your mesh overrides the standard vanilla mesh, these other statics get stuck with textures that doesn’t fit.  Make sense?
    5. JDAnchor
      • premium
      • 821 kudos
      Let me see what I can do ;)
  4. LordPhoenix82nd
    • premium
    • 60 kudos
    We are so glad to have you back Justin. Wish you all the best in life!
    1. JDAnchor
      • premium
      • 821 kudos
      Thank you so much for your kind words :)
  5. IRicochetI
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Anyone know/willing to fix/change the clipping of the Aetherial Crown under robe hoods? I know you have to use a mod to wear circlets with hoods in the first place, but it would be really aesthetically pleasing. :()

    Edit: Unhinged request, in hindsight. There is however this by  LaurellaBellaBean which removes the weird disk
  6. hoangdai94
    • member
    • 169 kudos
    "Last update before JDAnchor's return" ??? YES !!!
    1. hoangdai94
      • member
      • 169 kudos
    2. JDAnchor
      • premium
      • 821 kudos
      I'm Back!
    3. hoangdai94
      • member
      • 169 kudos
      @JDAnchor YEAH !!!
    4. JDAnchor
      • premium
      • 821 kudos
      How are you doing? Hit me up on Discord...JDAnchor
  7. Arthenin
    • member
    • 8 kudos
    Thank you! :)
    1. JDAnchor
      • premium
      • 821 kudos
  8. Hyperies
    • premium
    • 4 kudos
    Modding aside, it's great to hear you overcame all that, and are back and healthy. God bless you.
    1. JDAnchor
      • premium
      • 821 kudos
      Thank you for your kind words
  9. mooit
    • premium
    • 24 kudos
    Hi JDAnchor,

    The circlet directories in Forgotten Retex, are these suppose to be for JS Circlet Replacer?

    If we're now using JS Vanilla Circlets SE, then there's no need for the circlets in Forgotten Retex?

    1. JDAnchor
      • premium
      • 821 kudos
      Let me look into. I believe JohnSkyrim uses his own directories
  10. AM93
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I would include knife/fork and nails.
    1. JDAnchor
      • premium
      • 821 kudos
      Great idea!
  11. VanoxPlay
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    My best wishes to the author