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About this mod

Changes the moons and stars to more familiar vistas...

Permissions and credits
"Mankind was born on Earth. It was never meant to die here." - Interstellar


This mod includes textures for Skyrim's moons, Masser and Secunda, with all their respective phases made by editing real photographs from Mars and our Moon. I've also included some custom stars I made from scratch using random noise for generation and hand placed constellations that follow the pattern of Ursa Minor and Ursa Major.


  • Install using your mod manager of choice.
  • Make sure it overwrites any other mods that change the same textures.
  • They are just textures, you can install or remove the mod whenever you please.


Sky textures are greatly influenced by your preset's settings on the [SKY] section. You may need to tweak these per weather to adjust moon intensity and color. I'm also using animated stars to give stars a glowing effect:

Enable Animated Stars=true
Stars Animation Time=0.0
Stars Animation Density=10.0
Stars Animation Intensity=4.45


Moons and Stars

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