About this mod
As the creator of the original female muscle texture map - Sporty Sexy Map, after 11 years I'm finally releasing my personal muscled normal map texture for my male character.
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Ripped, jacked, peeled out of his tree, a fucking anatomy chart or diced to the socks.
Whatever you want to call it, finally you can have a character with a body that you'd expect from a hero.
If you were here when there was only Skyrim, chances are you've seen my previous mods on the internet.
With over 750K downloads, released in 2012, Sporty Sexy Map was the very first 'fit girl' normal map texture.
It has been has been copied, modified and stolen as well as included with hundreds of follower mods and now I think I can release my personal muscled normal map texture for my male character after 11 years.
Hope you enjoy it!
ps. The texture includes normals for the genitals (SoS)
Links to my other female body textures.
Sporty Sexy Map
Sporty Sexy Sweat
Sporty Skin
This mod contains only one file and installs to Textures/Actors/Character/Male
If you use a custom race or unique player race, you should move it to the correct location.
- malebody_1_msn.dds
Current config
- In the screenshots I'm using Tempered skin for males.
- Culminated ENB with heavy modifications