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About this mod

The Angi camp is a very unusual but at the same time uncomfortable place. Frost, wind. I felt sorry for Angie, and how could she survive there in such conditions? Armed with an instrument, Dovakin helped the poor woman a little.

Permissions and credits
So, now poor Anga will clearly live better and warmer, because Dovakin did:

1- all window shutters are upholstered with fox skins (high heat preservation)
2 - doors to the hut have been added (there are no drafts)
3 - the place for the fire has been redone, the masonry is on a stone base and the fire is bigger (the heating of the dwelling has been increased)
4. - now a beautiful smoke is coming from the upper window (comfort has been increased).
5- added a mesh on the ventilation window (to protect against wild animals and insects).
6. one window is closed, a rag is added to the second one, which does not allow the wind to cool the room.
7 The filling of the room has been slightly improved, Dovakin gave away forks and plates, he still has a lot of junk.

Now externally.

1. Added 2 chairs near the campfire, boxes and crates near, a couple of firewood, a warehouse with straw.
2. The roof is insulated, a double layer of boards, a layer with straw on top.
3. Moose added icicles it's very cold there.
4. A small courtyard on the left, where Angi can cook animals. A little bit of meat and axes were given by Dovakin.

Training field.
1. Wooden platforms were dug out, snow was cleared, a couple of benches and a container for a hot drink were added. A table and a pair of arrows.

To Anga herself, our hero gave warmer clothes made of skins. Now it's quiet for the woman, comfort and warmth are felt in her home.