About this mod
Replace Skyrim's moons masser & secunda with stunning high fantasy HD planets, complete with waning/waxing cycles.
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I got frustrated with the lack of good moon mods or retextures on the nexus so decided to create my own.
A lot of the other options either have horrible textures, lots of artifacting, or no moon phases.
As it turns out, it takes a lot more effort than expected to create good moons!
- Working moon phases like skyrim's vanilla moons.
- Moon's clouds change a little bit depending on moon phase.
- 4K Twinkly twinkly stars replacer - more than 4K is pointless because the stars tile anyway
- 2K BC7 Moon Textures
Install with fomod or copy+paste like any other texture mod.
Not necessary but recommended:
If you want high fantasy galaxy look: 8K Night Skies - Stars and Galaxies - Cathedral Concept
If you want a more realistic look with no galaxy: Earthly Night Sky by Wofrion
If you want shooting stars (which match my stars well): Shooting Stars SE + Shooting Stars HD Textures
Overwrite your choice of the above mods with mine.
If you want to change the individual sizes of your Moons/Planets use this mod: Moon Size Tweaks
(It's an oldrim mod but it still works on 1.5.97 & 1.6.659. Personally I believe 70-80% looks best!)
I mostly run 4K textures but these Moon & Planet textures are in 2K because the moons are quite small, anything more than 4K is effectively pointless & this size comes with zero vRAM or performance cost despite looking amazing on a 4K monitor.
Note; Screenshots taken with vanilla skyrim engine, NO reshade, ENB, lighting mods, etc.
Not tested with ENB so I don't know how the brightness will be.
P.S: This is my first ever mod so please leave a comment if you like it or have feedback.
Credit to michelgrande199 for creating the original images I used for building the planets & who kindly put them under Creative Commons 0 (Public Domain) licensing.