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About this mod

This is an Asset Pack that will be used for the future Nyr followers from me, TheFaceSculptor. This is meant to make the process of creating them easier and to save file space for all of us.

Permissions and credits

This is a pack that contains the main assets of the followers I create: BodySlide for both BHUNP and 3BA (in separate versions), Body meshes and textures, High Poly Head, eye, mouth, head, hands base textures, etc. The idea of this mod is to facilitate my process of creating the mods and also to save all of us file size when downloading it, especially textures that are very heavy.

There's basically no con to this. If I want to create a follower with a specific body type, I can simply add it to the follower's file anyway.

This was HEAVILY inspired in MILFACTORY ASSET HUB by SilverWolfMNG. They are doing amazing work, so check it out.

CBBE 3BA (and any of its requirements)
BHUNP (and any of its requirements)
TBD SMP (and any of its requirements)

Can I use it without CBBE 3BA, TBD or BHUNP? Probably yes, download any of the three and swap the body meshes and textures in the mod folder to the ones you want, however, they should have the exact same names, as those are the names the follower files will look for.

Q. What if I don't want to use the same BodySlide preset as you? I want another shape for my 3BA/BHUNP/TBD body!
A. No worries, mate. I have included 3BA, TBD and BHUNP BodySlide files in their respective downloads. You can use the BodySlide preset you want for your Nyr Followers. I'll make sure to only use outfits that are available in both BHUNP, TBD and 3BA, so you can always build their body as you wish.

Q. What if I don't want to use the same textures you use?
A. That's ok, but it will require some manual work. See below:

You will need to overwrite the files in textures\Nyr\bodytextures\Nyr\hand, and textures\Nyr\head, and if you're using Elder, textures\Nyr\Elder with the files from the body texture mod of your preference. They all have the same file names, so just copy and paste the files to the correct folder and overwrite it. It's very easy.

PS: Keep in mind that I create my followers using 3BA and BnP, so they will look better (or as envisioned) using the assets I added to the file. They still look good in the majority of skin mods.

Body Meshes and Textures by Bakafactory (BHUNP), Acro (CBBE 3BA), themilkdrinker (Touched By Dibella), s4rMs (Binibini Skin), and Anini, Regenbot03, and Shiva182 (The Pure Skin), Hornophobic (LOVERGIRL Skin), swefrida (BnP - Female Skin)
Eye Textures by xrayy (
xrayys hd eye normal map SE), ShinglesCat (SC - Cubemaps)
Mouth Textures by hhaleyy - anini - regenbot03 - shiva182 - scarlettdays21 (Hi-Res Teeth), V2.5 by swefrida (BnP - Teeth Overhaul)

Nuria Nyr - HP Standalone Follower and Mirabelle Ervine Replacer

Nuria Nyr - High Poly Character Preset - RaceMenu

Rajek Nyr - High Poly Character Preset - RaceMenu