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The LoveKing

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About this mod

Ever feel like the nine divines were a little lack luster... Literally all my friends would do a short playthrough and not a single one would want to even go to a shrine to get their blessing.
Was it because the durations were short? Effects were unsatisfying? Welp, say no more!

Permissions and credits
For Load Order Assistance or Mod Port Requests head over to our Discord Server
Omen Outpost =

God's be Praised is on Xbox!

=== Mod Author Notes ===

This Mod was made by me / for me and is my very first, handmade mod. 
If you think something needs to be changed numerically and isn't a bug, please be mindful about how you ask.
A simple suggestion can come off as a rude one, I like suggestions, just not rude people.

All Divine changes were all made through the creation kit!
really anyone can do what I did, it does take alot of time especially when checking for conflicts and testing.
One instance had me summon a bound bow at the Kynareth shrine and that instantly leveled me up to lvl 100 conjuration.
HAH, that was a good laugh.

=== Description ====

Gods Be Praised is a lightweight religion mod that completely overhauls the vanilla religion system by adding in unique rewards
and a real reason to actually want to pray at the shrines.

I was inspired by Simple Better Shrine Blessings Created by
MelwenMods and BLESSINGS - A Blessings Overhaul Created by

Check out their page here: MelwenMods -
and Aidanator -

=== Load Order Placement ===

You should place this mod in gameplay mechanics for console players, or underneath any prayer mod that you want to replace for PC players. 
=== Features ===

This mod covers the following!

The Nine Divines: Akatosh, Dibella, Arkay, Zenithar, Stendarr, Mara, Kynareth, Julianos and Talos.
Other Divines: Mephala, Nocturnal, Vaermina.

Arkay - God of Life & Death.
The God of Life & Death grants increased vitality and a sharp sense of protection against the dark arts.
- Health, Magicka & Stamina has been Restored.
- Increases your Health by 25 points.
- Increases your Illusion by 25 points.
- The Chill of Death Lingers...
Blessing Lasts for 1 day.

Talos - Storm Crown.
Talos Storm Crown destroys those who oppose him and blesses those who follow with the same ferocity.
- Health, Magicka & Stamina has been Restored.
- Shout Cool-Down Reduced by 25 points.
- Increases your Heavy Armor by 25 Points.
- Increases your two-handed by 25 Points.
- Talos has bestowed upon you the storms from his crown...
Blessing Lasts for 1 day.

Kynareth - Goddess of the Elements.
The God of the Elements flows through her worshippers, granting them with the endurance of a flapping bird.
- Health, Magicka & Stamina has been Restored.
- Fortify Stamina by 25 points.
- Fortify Stamina Regen Rate by 25 points.
- Fortify Marksman by 25 points.
Blessing Lasts for 1 day.

Mara - God of Compassion.
The God of Compassion rejuvenates life, blessing those who find themselves needing help.
- Health, Magicka & Stamina has been Restored.
- Melodious love songs are played for you for 1 minute.
- Resist Magic by 15 points.
- Fortify Restoration by 25 points.
Blessing Lasts for 1 day.

Akatosh - God of Time
The God of Time benefits those who know when to move and when to be still.
- Health, Magicka & Stamina has been Restored.
- Fortify Light Armor by 25 points.
- Fortify One-Handed by 25 points.
- Fortify Destruction by 25 points.
- Akatosh has imbued you with his protection for 1 minute.
Blessing Lasts for 1 day.

Zenithar - God of Commerce
The God of Commerce empowers those who empower themselves.
- Health, Magicka & Stamina has been Restored.
- Fortify Bartering by 25 points.
- Fortify carry weight by 25 points.
- from the void comes a daedric merchant ready to buy and sell for 1 minute.
Blessing Lasts for 1 day.

Julianos - God of Wisdom.
The God of Wisdom is the driving force of spells & incantations for those with a desire to cast them.
- Health, Magicka & Stamina has been Restored.
- Fortify Conjuration by 25 points.
- Fortify Restoration by 25 points.
- Fortify Destruction by 25 points.
- Fortify Illusion by 25 points.
- Fortify Alteration by 25 points.
- Fortify Enchanting by 25 points.
Blessing Stat Boost Lasts for only 12 hours,
but you'll receive a boon to your Magicka & Magicka regen rates by 25 points
for the full day of worship!

Stendarr - God of Mercy
The God of Mercy's soul mission is to "Walk always in the light." Do not fall to darkness.
- Health, Magicka & Stamina has been Restored.
- Fortify One-Handed by 25 points.
- Fortify Block by 25 points.
- Stendarr has blessed you with a divine aura for 1 minute.
Blessing Lasts for 1 day.

Dibella - God of Beauty
The God of Beauty blesses others with her gifts, increasing their charm.
- Health, Magicka & Stamina has been Restored.
- Fortify Persuasion by 25 points.
- Fortify Illusion by 25 points.
- Oh dear... after being imbued by the god of beauty, a servant of oblivion has fallen in love with you and is sworn to carry your burdens.
Blessing Lasts for 1 day.

Other additions:
Shrine of Mephala:
Increases your Sneak by 25 points.
Increases your Speechcraft by 25 points.
Increases your Two-Handed by 25 points.
Blessing Lasts for 1 day.

Shrine of Nocturnal:
Increases your Illusion by 25 points.
Increases your Sneak by 25 points.
Increases your Magic Resistance by 25 points.
Blessing Lasts for 1 day.

Shrine of Vaermina (from Creation Club's Gallows Hall):
Increases your Alchemy by 25 points.
Increases your Conjuration by 25 points.
Increases your Illusion by 25 points.
Blessing Lasts for 1 day.