File information
Created by
KaienHash - Archlyde123Uploaded by
archlyde123Virus scan
About this mod
GoT and HotD style mesh replacers to mod-added dragons (DDCSE, etc.). Meshes are from the HotD and GoT dragon edits. Derived from KaienHash's GoT and HotD dragons mods.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
- Meshes - from my dragon edits and GoT dragons with some variation, Neck bone nodes edited
- Textures - most are based from the overall colors of the modded dragons, SA fix ready. SA fix conversion linked for personal use.
- You can preview the edited dragons (last images) in the images section if you like.
Each replacer will have 2 options (mainly for textures - 8k max or 4k max).
(letter) .1 - body textures are 8k max
(letter) .2 - same as .1 but with half sized textures, 4k max
Choose 1 per letter/mod replacer choice obviously.
- Aetherial
- Arcane
- Ash
- Azure
- Crystal
- Eldergleam
- Forest
- Glacial
- Hallowed
- Lava
- Lunar
- Luster
- Necro
- Needlehide
- Nether
- Plague
- Primal
- Thorntail
- Vile
- Woodscale
- Zephyr
- A.A.) DDCSE - the rest of the dragons
- Akaviri
- Combustion
- Dark
- Earth
- Sanguine
- Silverfang
- Swamp
These links will now serve as alternative dls.:
- Akaviri - Meraxes
- Combustion - Syrax
- Dark, Earth, Sanguine - GoT Dragons
- Sanguine (alt) - Caraxes
- Silverfang, Swamp - Arrax and Vermax
1.01 - minor fix
- Crystal dragon texture path fix
- missing translucent texture for 2 dragons fix
2.0 - S2 Integration update
- Hallowed - Sunfyre
- Zephyr - Silverwing
- Ash - Vermithor
- Luster & Thorntail - Moondancer
- Fiery (updated)
- Glacial
- Icewing
- Radiance (updated)
- Storm
- Frostscale
- Miasma
- Mystic
- Snow
- Sting
- Supreme
1.2 - DWADO - Additional 6 Dragons from mod's update
- 11 Dragons
2.0 - S2 Integration update
- Radiance - Sunfyre
- Storm - Silverwing
- Mystic - Vermithor
- Snow - Moondancer
- C.) Wyrmstooth
- D.) Silah - FDF
- E.) Deadly Dragons
based on mesh names
- Aoa
- Awk
- Temp
- Wyvern
- Arctic
- Fire
- Storm
- Sun
- Swamp
- Volcano
- Magma
- Neth
- Zombiewyrm
- White
- Wyrm
- Fatalis
- Goliath
- Lichwyrm
2.0 - S2 Integration update
- Sun - Sunfyre
- Fatalis - Silverwing
- Fire - Vermithor
- Wyvern - Moondancer
- F.) KS Dragon Overhaul 2
- 1 KSDO2 unique dragon mesh
- 7 dragon types, 4 variants each (Initial)
- KSDO2 dragonforest
- Dlc1 Icelake
- Dlc1 Purple
- Dragon
- Forest
- Ohdaviing
- Snow
- Tundra
Plugin is ESPFE, load after KSDO2
1.1 - KSDO2 - Now supporting the intended 8 variants per dragon
- 7 dragon types, 8 variants each
- G.) Memorable Dragons
* Included 'A Mortal Ailment 2.0' skin
based on mesh names
- Dragon_god
- Dragon_gold
- Dragon_yngol
- Dragon_mad
- Dragon_cave
Plus the optional aMA2 skin
1.4 - MD - Added 1 dragon from the mod's update
- 3+1 dragons
1.4.1 - MD - Added 1 dragon from the mod's update
- 4+1+1 dragons
- H.) Philmorex
- I.) Valminoor - Caistorshold Isle
- V.) Vanilla Dragons
- Dragon
- Elder
- Ancient
- Blood
- Frost
- Revered
- Legendary
- Serpentine
For Alduin and Paarthurnax - HotD Dragons - Conquest Trio / HotD Dragons - Season 2 base
For Odahviing - HotD Dragons - Meleys as Odahviing / HotD Dragons - Caraxes
For Durnehviir - GoT Dragons - Undead Viserion as Durnehviir
For other standalone HotD dragons, take a look here
NOTE: Plugin is the same as the standalone HotD Dragons - Syrax - Ancient dragon fix. If using GoT Dragons - enemy's GoTDragonsEnemy.esp, download the patch in the optional files section of the mod linked.
1.3 - Uploaded the RIGHT plugin file, same as my standalone fix mentioned just above. LeanWolf pointed it out (Thank you!) and I checked, I uploaded the wrong plugin. I apologize for any inconvenience.
2.0 - S2 Integration update
- Elder - Sunfyre
- Legendary - Silverwing
- Ancient - Vermithor
- Blood - Moondancer
Thank you!
* Elemental Dragons Special Edition - no promises, this adds too many dragons
- Opt. file - Vanilla blood meshes hidden
- Disables the vanilla blood decals on dragons to get rid of the floating blood visual bug when modded ones are attacked. Those look low quality anyway, imo. Use Dirt and Blood - Dynamic Visual Effects or Just Blood - Dirt and Blood Lite for dynamic blood visuals on dragons instead.
- Mandatory - Texture files as base, choose one:
- GoT Dragons (A Game of Thrones) or
- XilaMonstrr's GoT Dragons 16K-8K - Cleaned and Upscaled Textures (Game of Thrones)
- Diverse Dragons Collection SE (DDCse) if using A and A.A
- Dragon War - A Dragon Overhaul if using B
- Wyrmstooth - Vulthurkrah - if using C
- Silah - Female Dragon Follower - if using D
- Deadly Dragons - if using E
- KS Dragon Overhaul 2 - if using F
- Memorable Dragons - if using G
- Philmorex - A Rideable Steerable Dragon Follower (SE) - if using H
- Caistorshold Isle (SE) - if using I
I recommend using the GoT/HotD underskin with this
XBOX port
* BrakkaMykar79 has already secured perms with KaienHash and me to port this mod compilation to xbox. This is the 1k version, you can search for different qualities on under BraccaMykar79
* Kynnkaid has ported the optional file Dragon Blood Mesh Hidden. Available here under Kynkaid. Other options from this mod has been ported too, also other HotD ports will be ready, more info on comments/posts tab.
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Please refer to updated permissions section.
This conforms to the original mod author's perms.
Kindly ask for permissions first, for all your intentions of the mod.
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My other related mods
GoT Dragons - Undead Viserion as Durnehviir
HotD Dragons - Caraxes
HotD Dragons - Meleys as Odahviing
HotD Dragons - Conquest Trio
HotD Dragons - Syrax
HotD Dragons - Arrax and Vermax
GoT HotD - Skeletal Dragon and Underskin
Let me know of any problems
or suggestions
Credits to:
Visit their respective linked pages for more of their mods! Endorse while you're at it :D
Original Author - KaienHash - GoT Dragons (A Game of Thrones) for the awesome dragon mesh
XilaMonstrr - GoT Dragons 16K-8K - Cleaned and Upscaled Textures (Game of Thrones) for the textures edited
opusGlass - (Diverse Dragons Collection SE (DDCse)) for the Akaviri assets included