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About this mod

What if Alduin was able to perceive the Dragonborn and their intentions through the Time Wound?

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World Eater is a Draugr/Dragon apocalypse addon for Shattered which includes a small Main Quest. World Eater's Main Quest hints at the events that created Shattered Skyrim. Enemies in World Eater do not respawn so Dragons and Draugr can be permanently purged from the province of Skyrim. 

Soothing, vivid mod reviews by BardsCollegeGraduate!

If you are a mod author feel free to make your own genesis stories and addons for Shattered even if they make World Eater obsolete. I know some may refrain out of courtesy. World Eater is simply my take on Skyrim's downfall, recycling the ideas and mechanics of Shattered's progenitor and fulfilling user requests for a zombie apocalypse addon.


There are 60-80 Draugr in each hold under the command of Dragon Priests and Dragons.
Patrolling Dragons (Overseers) fly in a predictable loop to various locations within their hold.
Draugr will run to an Overseer's call when an Overseer enters combat with the Player.
Named Dragons and Dragon Priests reside and defend the great cities of Skyrim.
Overseers will fly to their hold's named Dragon and Dragon Priest when they enter combat with the Player.
Lastly, enemies do not respawn.


Thin the number of Draugr in a hold so they don't overwhelm you when you enter combat with an Overseer.
Defeat a hold's Overseer before taking on it's Named Dragon and Dragon Priest so it and the Draugr in that hold do not overwhelm you.
Defeat Named Dragons and Dragon Priests to progress the story.

===Skyrim VR Recommendation===

Download Synthesis and follow these 3 steps to fix the Dragon LODs in Skyrim VR.