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About this mod

A simple patch for Undeath and Nature of the Wild Lands.

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Update: 3.05 is now updated to fix the Temple of Arkay for NotWL v3.05
 previous versions should use the file in Old Files instead if you aren't up to date.

This patch simply fixes trees that were protruding out of the Temple of Arkay in the mod Undeath. (see pics for before and after shots)

I also went around to the Broker's Shack, the Alchemical Ritual Site, Archmage Vyngald's grave as well as into the Dragontail Mountains to see if there were any other edits that needed fixing. Everything else was fine.

ESP-flagged ESL so won't take up a plugin slot.

Ignore purple missing textures...i'm messing with my setup ;)

"The black wind begins to blow...."

-Magus80, Northern Kingdom