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About this mod

This is my collection of patches for the Capital Whiterun expansion. This is focused around a build including JK's Skyrim and Dawn of Skyrim, but many of the patches will benefit also players not using these mods. Also contains a LOD pack for DynDOLOD and several mesh fixes.

Permissions and credits
While there already previously existed quite a lot of patches for Surjamte's Capital Whiterun Expansion, I noticed there were a few that were missing for the mods I wanted to include in my build. In particular, there were not many patches available if also using the combined JK's Skyrim - Dawn of Skyrim patch. Another thing I noticed is that a lot of the custom meshes were missing LOD (fixed in version 1.5). Therefore, I have made patches for the following mods:

Standalone patches:
  • 3D Whiterun Trellis Improved (uses model based on this mesh for one of Capital Whiterun's trellis meshes: 3D Trellis Improved - Gildergreen Plaza. Goes well alongside Capital Whiterun Expansion - 3D Whiterun Trellis Patch, but make sure to let my mod win the conflict (my mesh is better))
  • AI Overhaul (moves some AI markers; not needed if using the AIO patch at JK's Skyrim_Dawn of Skyrim_Capital Whiterun - Fixes and Patches)
  • Bells of Skyrim (makes room for the bell and adjusts the navmesh)
  • JK's The Drunken Huntsman (moves a neighbouring building that was bleeding into the balcony)
  • G.I.R.T.H. - Gildergreen Is Really Thicc (adjusts positions of Gildergreen saplings and modifies their object data to match the new model. The alternate sapling model is likely to cause clipping issues, though)
  • Iconic Statues (technically optional; gives the two extra Skyforge heads a similar appearance as the big bird statue)
  • Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods (forwards LFfGM's fixes to the landscape under and around Whiterun to Capital Whiterun, and removes grass from objects placed in surrounding areas)
  • SkyTEST - Realistic Animals and Predators (removes a fence and adjusts some plants to leave room for the dog)
Add-ons to the Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods patch to add support for the following mods:
  • Cutting Room Floor
  • Provincial Courier Service
  • Ryn's Whiterun City Limits
  • Ryn's Whiterun City Limits - Cutting Room Floor
Patches for the Capital Whiterun Expansion - JK's Skyrim - Dawn of Skyrim combo:
  • Bells of Skyrim (navmesh patch)
  • Blowing in the Wind (conflict resolution)
  • Fishing (Creation Club) (moves some clutter that was blocked by a rock)
  • G.I.R.T.H. - Gildergreen Is Really Thicc (conflict resolution with the patch above)
  • JK's The Drunken Huntsman (navmesh and conflict resolution)
  • Storefront (conflict resolution)
Other add-ons:
  • A LOD pack for DynDOLOD. To use this, you need to run both TexGen and DynDOLOD!
  • Some collision fixes not included in Capital Whiterun Expansion - More Accurate Collision or Fixed Meshes for Capital Whiterun Expansion. Also removes the glow shader from one of the shack roofs.
  • A plugin to remove collision boxes that are no longer needed with the above mesh fixes (included the ones fixed by the suggested mods). Also includes a small fix that is necessary to access a certain area in the JK's Skyrim - Dawn of Skyrim patch when using these meshes.

The standalone patches should not need further installation instructions, but make sure to get Rob's improved version of Capital Whiterun Expansion (see requirements), else you are likely to get navmesh errors with some of the patches.

The JK's Skyrim + Dawn of Skyrim patches require somohexual's fixed patch (see mod requirements), which while being mostly well-made, requires some extra installation steps for a smooth gaming experience. FAILING TO FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS ARE LIKELY TO CAUSE CTDS, SO PLEASE READ CAREFULLY! I will close any bug reports from people experiencing CTDs who have not followed these instructions:

  • Make sure to follow Somohexual's instructions at their mod page. In particular, use SSEEdit's autoclean utility to clean Fredtheviking's patches.
  • While probably with good intensions, Somohexual made the mistake of stacking several occlusion planes in every building. This is known to cause CTDs (especially when accessing the map), and since they are anyway not likely to improve performance, they need to be cleaned out using SSEEdit:
a. Open JK-DoS-Whiterun Expansion Patch - Fixes.esp in SSEEdit.
b. Go through all Worldspace records, select all PlaneMarker objects with a white background (i.e. the ones added by the mod), and press Delete.
c. Save the file.

For DynDOLOD, I recommend you follow the instructions at its official site and ask at the official DynDOLOD forums, should you need any support. While I have a quite clear understanding of how DynDOLOD should be set up and how to resolve many basic DynDOLOD issues, I do not consider myself an expert on the matter.

The patches are all designed to be mutually compatible. Some patches are redundant when used together with other patches in the collection, but the FOMOD should inform you in those cases.

Open Cities versions of the patches are available at Open Capital Whiterun patches.

Load order
As of version 1.5, most patches are load order agnostic, but make sure to follow the load order rules at JK's Skyrim_Dawn of Skyrim_Capital Whiterun - Fixes and Patches. In addition, the following rule is important:
  • SkyTEST_CWrE Patch.esp must load after JK-DoS-Whiterun Expansion Patch.esp, but before JK-DoS-Whiterun Expansion Patch - Fixes.esp.

The provided modgroup files should assist further with the load ordering.