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About this mod

A collection of RedBag's Solitude patches, mostly aiming at combining several mods together with Open Cities. I have also included a couple of multi-way patches for the closed-city version that I felt were missing.

Permissions and credits
Ever wanted to combine the Open Cities version of RedBag's Solitude with JK's Skyrim and Dawn of Skyrim? No patch existed until I made one, so here is the result. On top of this, I have made patches between these and several other mods affecting the Solitude exterior, such as Solitude Docks and Legacy of the Dragonborn, and also a couple of Open Cities patches that do not depend on JK's Skyrim and Dawn of Skyrim. Moreover, I noticed that a couple of patches were missing for the non-Open Cities version of RedBag's Solitude, so I have included those as well.

List of patches included in this collection:

Non-Open Cities patches:
  • Mari's Flora (placement fixes for all snowberry bushes in the new interiors)
  • Realistic Boat Bobbing (resolves conflicts and adds bobbing to a few of the rowboats)
  • Realistic Boat Bobbing + Solitude Docks (conflict resolution for the patach above)
  • Skyrim 3D Rocks (adjusts positions of some rocks)
  • Seasonal Landscapes (swaps moss on buildings to Seasonal Landscapes' variants during autumn)
  • Solitude Docks + Fishing (Creation Club) (moves a couple of fish pools away from the expanded docks)
  • JK's Skyrim + AI Overhaul (moves a couple of AI markers)
  • JK's Skyrim + Skyrim 3D Rocks (moves a badly bleeding rock from RedBag's Solitude)
  • JK's Skyrim + Dawn of Skyrim + Legacy of the Dragonborn (fixes inconsistencies in the official LOTD + JK's + DoS patch and ensures navmesh compability between the mods)
  • JK's Skyrim + Dawn of Skyrim + Blowing in the Wind (conflict resolution)
  • JK's Skyrim + Dawn of Skyrim + Storefront (moves the market stand to another location)
  • JK's Skyrim + Dawn of Skyrim + Legacy of the Dragonborn + Skyrim Sewers + JK's Temple of the Divines + JK's Blue Palace + Blue Palace Terrace + Imperial Mail (combined navmesh patch. A version for the RedBag's Solitude v1.41 without Blue Palace Terrace and Imperial Mail is available in version 1.6 of the mod. Compatible with both the Classic and Renewed versions of Blue Palace Terrace)

Standalone Open Cities patches
  • After the Civil War - Siege Damage Repairs (moves an AI marker)
  • AI Overhaul (moves a couple of AI markers, and adds a new one)
  • Books of Skyrim (moves the bookstore to a new location)
  • JK's Castle Dour (navmesh conflict patch)
  • JK's Temple of the Divines (makes room for the terrace and modifies the navmesh)
  • Landscape and Water Fixes (removes some rocks that got bad placement with RedBag's Solitude)
  • Legacy of the Dragonborn (makes room for the museum and modifies the navmesh)
  • Skyrim 3D Rocks (OCS version of the patch above)
  • Solitude Docks (light-weight version of Domenicus' Another Open Urban Solitude, now only containing the Docks part and nearby cabins)
  • JK's Skyrim + Dawn of Skyrim (base patch for the mods below)

JK's Skyrim + Dawn of Skyrim Open Cities patches
  • AI Overhaul (moves a couple of AI markers; conflict resolution)
  • Bells of Skyrim (moves the bell to fit RedBag's worldspace changes)
  • Blowing in the Wind (conflict resolution)
  • Dlizzio's Mesh Fixes + Legacy of the Dragonborn (combined patch for the regular mod + all fixes from the non-OCS patches)
  • ezPG (conflict resolution on one record, see note in the Comments section)
  • Storefront (Open Cities version of the closed-city version above)
  • Solitude Docks + Books of Skyrim + Legacy of the Dragonborn + Skyrim Sewers + JK's Temple of the Divines + JK's Blue Palace + JK's The Winking Skeever + JK's The Bards College + Blue Palace Terrace + Imperial Mail (combined navmesh and conflict resolution patch.
    A version for the RedBag's Solitude v1.41 without Blue Palace Terrace and Imperial Mail is available in version 1.6 of the mod. Version 2.0.3 or later are only compatible with the Renewed version of Blue Palace Terrace - for the Classic version get version 2.0.2 (only compatible with JK's BPT/Blue Palace version 1.x))


  • As of version 2.0, this has been updated to version 1.51 of RedBag's Solitude, 2.6 of RedBag's Solitude Patch Collection, and v6 of Legacy of
    the Dragonborn. Due to the scope of the changes, it is highly recommended to start a new game if updating from a previous version. Patches for older versions of these mods are available in version 1.7.2 of the mod.
  • The list of requirements for some patches might be a daunting read, but if you are unsure where to find a particular patch, I advise you to look there. The scope of this patch collection required me to use patches from many different sources. Moreover, some patches may exist in different versions at different places, and you need to get the right one.
  • I am aware the combined navmesh patches are probably not very useful for most players, but since I need them for my own build, I provide them anyway for those few that would use them. Given the number of conflicting patches in Solitude, it would take way too much time for me to create patches for subsets of the mods. However, I can provide tips on how to make your own.
  • The Fishing patch would work fine with RedBag's Solitude on its own, but you would need to edit the cell data in SSEEdit.
  • The Dlizzio's Mesh Fixes patch comes with a standalone Open Cities patch for Dlizzio's Mesh Fixes. The reason for setting it up this way is that another version is available at Gardden's Open Cities Patches, but I had already based this patch on my own version and did not want to update.
  • ezPG makes edits to a record that is very prone to conflicts, namely the door to the Solitude Throne Room, and I get the impression they are not anything that can be ignored. I could create a dedicated patch page only to deal with this conflict, but that is not anything I am particularly eager to do. I provided a patch here for RedBag's Solitude + Open Cities + JK's Skyrim + Dawn of Skyrim just because I had it hand, but if you are using both ezPG and RedBag's Solitude combined with virtually any other mod, you will need to create your own patch. The FormIDs to look for are 00037F3D if you are not using Open Cities, and 0x00C652~Open Cities Skyrim.esp if you are.
  • I created the Solitude Docks patch to be able to incorporate some features from Another Open Urban Solitude without having to make too drastic changes to my existing build, and a patch between Open Cities and RedBag's Solitude Docks Updated was needed anyway. My patch is based on Domenicus' work, and those goes a bit beyond a regular patch. Initially, I would have recommended players to get Domenicus' version if only using those mods, but given that things have diverted quite a bit since the original version, each version now has its own benefits, so I will leave that decision to the player. Regarding the house for sale, I am using an adaptation of Domenicus house script, and that is the only way to get it also in the update for Solitude Docks version 3. The reason is that I preferred that solution from buying the house key from Isabela.
  • Patches for only JK's Skyrim + Dawn of Skyrim are available for some of the mods here: JK's Skyrim - Dawn of Skyrim Open Cities patches.

Performance for the Open Cities version is decent, but you will clearly benefit from a graphics card with a lot of VRAM. At first, I was using a Radeon R9 380 with 4GB VRAM, but then I experienced stuttering in some areas, in particular with the JK's Skyrim - Dawn of Skyrim patch. After upgrading to a 3060 RTX with 12GB VRAM, the stuttering is essentially gone. My CPU is an overclocked quad-core i5 4690K. Regardless of which rig you are using, I recommend using my Open Cities optimisation additions file included in Jonado's Open Cities patches for a slight performance boost.

The Open Cities patches are not compatible with any of the standalone JK's Skyrim or Dawn of Skyrim Open Cities patches (just as for my other Open Cities mods).

If only using a subset of the mods included in the combined navmesh patches, it is likely that you need to create your own patch for them to work together with RedBag's Solitude. RedBag's Solitude Docks Updated will also not be compatible with the Open Cities on its own, but it should not require too much work to remove Books of Skyrim from the patch.

Apart from this, the patches should all be mutually compatible, and also with my other Open Cities mods.

The FOMOD installer should be self-explanatory, but beware of the following:
  • The Solitude Docks Open Cities patch requires assets from Another Urban Open Solitude. DO NOT INSTALL THE .ESP FILES INCLUDED IN THAT MOD - those are not compatible with the patches included here.

Load order
I am using the following load order for my own build, and recommend other players to do the same (in some cases it is important, in other cases not):

  • Landscape and Water Fixes.esp
  • LegacyoftheDragonborn.esm
  • Blowing in the Wind SSE.esp
  • Realistic Boat Bobbing.esp
  • JKs Skyrim.esp
  • AI Overhaul.esp
  • JK's The Bards College.esp
  • JK's Castle Dour.esp
  • JK's The Winking Skeever.esp
  • JKs Skyrim - Rob's Bug Fixes.esp
  • ezPG.esp
  • Dawn of Skyrim.esp
  • BluePalaceTerrace.esp
  • JK's Blue Palace.esp
  • JK's Blue Palace Terrace.esp
  • JK's Temple of the Divines.esp
  • SkyrimSewers.esp
  • Bells of Skyrim.esp
  • JKs Skyrim_Dawn of Skyrim_Patch.esp
  • Blowing in the Wind - JKS_DoS_Patch.esp
  • Dawn of Skyrim-AI Overhaul Patch.esp
  • Storefront.esp
  • Bells of Skyrim - JKS + DoS Patch.esp
  • CWRepairs.esp
  • JKS_DoS_Storefront_Patch.esp
  • Dlizzio's Mesh Fixes.esp
  • S3DRocks.esp
  • DBM_JKSkyrim_DawnOfSkyrimDC_Patch.esp
  • JKs-Dawn of Skyrim - Dlizzio's Mesh Fixes patch.esp
  • JKs BPT - JKs Skyrim patch.esp
  • BluePalaceTerrace-Dawn of Skyrim-Patch.esp
  • BooksOfSkyrim.esp
  • RedBag's Solitude.esp
  • Solitude Docks.esp
  • RedBag's Solitude - LAWF patch.esp
  • RedBag's Solitude - S3DRocks patch.esp
  • DBM_BluePalaceTerrace_Patch.esp
  • ImperialMail.esp
  • JKs BPT - Imperial Mail patch.esp
  • RBB - RedBag's Solitude patch.esp
  • USSEP Patch for RedBag's Solitude.esp
  • JKs Temple of the Divines - Skyrim Sewers patch.esp
  • RedBag's Solitude - Mari's Flora patch.esp
  • Seasonal Landscapes - RedBag's Solitude patch.esp (load order does not matter)
  • Redbag's Solitude Docks Updated.esp
  • RedBag's Solitude - JK's Temple of the Divines patch.esp
  • DBM_RedbagsSolitude_Patch.esp
  • Redbag's Solitude Docks Updated - Skyrim Sewers patch.esp
  • Redbag's Solitude - Dlizzio's Mesh Fixes patch.esp
  • DBM_JKBluePalace_Patch.esp
  • JKs BPT - LOTD patch.esp
  • RedBag's Solitude - JK's Skyrim patch.esp
  • RedBag's Solitude - Dawn of Skyrim patch.esp
  • RedBag's Solitude - JK's Skyrim + Dawn of Skyrim patch.esp
  • RedBag's Solitude - Bells of Skyrim patch.esp
  • JK's Redbag's Solitude - DoS + LOTD patch.esp
  • RedBag's Solitude - JK's Skyrim + Dawn of Skyrim + Bells of Skyrim patch.esp
  • JKs BPT - Skyrim Sewers patch.esp
  • RedBag's Solitude - Books of Skyrim patch.esp
  • Storefront - Redbag_JK_DoS_Patch.esp
  • RedBag's Solitude - JK's Skyrim + Dawn of Skyrim + Books of Skyrim patch.esp
  • JK's Redbag Solitude - DBM_DoS_Sewers_Divines_Blue Palace patch.esp
  • JK's Redbag Solitude - Blowing in the Wind patch.esp
  • Fishing - Redbag's Solitude Docks patch.esp
  • RBB - RedBag's Solitude Docks patch.esp
  • JKs Bards College - Skyrim Sewers patch.esp
  • RedBag's Solitude - AI Overhaul patch.esp
  • JK's Redbag's Solitude - AIO patch.esp
  • BluePalaceTerrace - LotD+Dawn of Skyrim patch.esp
  • DBM_Dlizzio's Mesh Fixes patch.esp
  • JK's Redbag's Solitude - Dlizzio's Mesh Fixes patch.esp
  • JK's RedBag's Solitude - S3DRocks patch.esp
  • Open Cities Skyrim.esp
  • OCS + LOTD6 Patch.esp
  • AIOHisyOCS.esp
  • CWR_OC_Patch.esp
  • OCS + Skyrim Sewers.esp
  • Bells of Skyrim - OCS Patch.esp
  • JK - DoS - OCS Patch.esp
  • Food Display Markers - OCS patch.esp
  • Blowing in the Wind - JK_DoS_OCS Patch.esp
  • Open Cities - RedBag's Solitude Patch.esp
  • Redbag's Solitude Docks Updated - tweaks.esp
  • JK's The Temple of the Divines Open Cities Patch.esp
  • JK's Temple of the Divines - Redbag_OCS patch.esp
  • AIO_JK_DoS_OCS_Patch.esp
  • DBM_Redbag_OCS_Patch.esp
  • Bells - JK_DoS_OCS Patch.esp
  • JK's Blue Palace OCS Patch.esp
  • DBM_JK_DoS_OCS_Patch.esp
  • Storefront - JKS_DoS_OCS Patch.esp
  • OCS_Dlizzio's Mesh Fixes patch.esp
  • BluePalaceTerrace-OCS-patch.esp
  • BluePalaceTerrace_JK_DoS_OCS_patch.esp
  • BluePalaceTerrace_LotD_OCS_patch.esp
  • JK's Blue Palace Terrace - OCS patch.esp
  • RedBag's Solitude - JK_DoS_OCS patch.esp
  • Storefront - Redbag_JK_DoS_OCS_Patch.esp
  • JK's Redbag's Solitude - Bells_OCS patch.esp
  • Dlizzio's Mesh Fizes - DBM_Redbag_JK_DoS_OCS patch.esp
  • Open Cities - JK's The Bards College Patch.esp
  • BooksOfSkyrim - OCS patch.esp
  • RedBag's Solitude - Books_OCS_patch.esp
  • Redbag's Solitude - AIO_OCS patch.esp
  • JK's Winking Skeever OCS Patch.esp
  • JK's Redbag's Solitude - AIO_OCS patch.esp
  • Blowing in the Wind - Redbag_JK_DoS_OCS patch.esp
  • ImperialMail-OpenCitiesSkyrim-Patch.esp
  • ezPG - OCS patch.esp
  • JK's BPT - Imperial Mail_OCS patch.esp
  • OCS optimisation additions.esp
  • RedBag_S3DRocks_OCS_patch.esp
  • Open Cities - JK's Castle Dour Patch.esp
  • JK's Castle Dour - RedBag's Solitude - OCS patch.esp
  • RedBag's Solitude - OCS - LaWF patch.esp
  • JK_DoS_RedBag_ezPG_OCS_patch.esp
  • Redbag_JK_DoS_OCS - S3DRocks patch.esp
  • RealisticWaterTwo - Open Cities Patch.esp
  • DBM_Redbag_JK_DoS_Sewers_JK's Interiors_OCS_Patch.esp

The provided modgroup files should assist further with the load ordering.

My other Open Cities projects

Special thanks to Czasior for all closed-city patches. The patches here are largely based on his work. Also thanks to hishutup for the Open Cities patch script - without it making these patches would not be possible.