About this mod
A beautiful medium-sized interactive player home comfortably built in an ancient Dwemer hall under a mountain. Comes with named and linked storage, crafting amenities, and a variety of interactive features, such as a working organ!
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Mandarin
- German
- Donations

"In the ancient times, the Dwemer were powerful...
They built their dwellings deep inside the hearts of mountains, protected from all things,
or so they believed."
Niflholm is a medium-sized home, a renovated Dwemer hall carved deep into a mountain.
Comes with interactive features such as light switches and a playable organ!
Oldrim version is HERE

- Tons of labelled and linked storage everywhere
- Almost every room has one or more light switches to control lighting
- Playable organ to make your dinner more lively!
- Many features can be enabled/disabled/changed
- Multiple Hearthfire Adoption support, and beds for 6 followers and 6 children
- Each room is fully optimized while highly detailed
- Fully navmeshed for followers and visitors
- Alternative back entrance on the other side of the mountain
- Discover the wonders of Dwemer tea!
- Dovahkin's private bedroom with armor and weapon storage and customizable fireplace mantelpiece
- Dovahkin's private armory/treasury room with displays for Dragon Priest masks, dragon claws, Elder Scrolls, weapons, etc.
- Private bathroom with working shower, bathtub, sink, and toilet
- Six mannequins that probably won't attack you in your sleep
- Mirror that accesses the Appearance Menu when activated!
- Display for all shrines and miniature standing stones
- Main Hall has a large fireplace, dining table, bar, fountain, and a playable organ
- Armor and weapon storage right next to the main entrance for easy access
- Upstairs loft for a follower or guest, with
- Ladder in the loft to access to the tower and roof
- Cool dragon skull over the fireplace
- Beautiful kitchen with tons of linked storage, cooking spit, and Hearthfire oven
- Working stove with a whistling teapot
- Working sink
- Use the cookbook to prepare meals and set the table in the Main Hall
- Beautiful alchemy and enchanting room with linked storage and lots of realistic clutter
- A cozy library with 3 kinds of book storage (linked storage, individual bookcase storage, and bookshelves)
- "Sorcerer's Font" that gives a strong temporary boost to Magicka Regen
- An interactive stellarium
- Forge, smelter, workbench, tanning rack, and grindstone in a pleasing arrangement
- Activatable faucet on forge water trough
- Plenty of storage
- Medium-sized stables
- 12 empty planters with 3 planting spot each, for a total of 36 planting spaces!
- Storage cellar accessible from outside
- Goat pen and hen house
- Bee apiary
~ This mod apparently works well with SeaPoint Settlement. Totally by accident! However, that mod hasn't yet been ported to SSE. ~

You can find the main entrance to Niflholm in the northwestern shore of Skyrim, in the very corner of the map.
It is South of Volkihar Castle, North of Mor Khazgur, and West of Pinefrost Tower.

- None (just an updated Skyrim: Special Edition) -

- Should be compatible with almost anything as long as it doesn't edit things in the same cells -
- However, it's in a very remote location, so I doubt there will be many issues. I made edits to as few cells as possible -

- Stroti for the BEAUTIFUL organ, kitchen clutter, musical instruments, and a whole bunch of other things
- Oaristys and Tony67 for a bunch of really cool clutter, including alchemy and food-related clutter
- Blary for alchemy clutter and alchemy wall art
- Jokerine for a few things, most notably the lovely Dwemer-style lanterns hung throughout the home
- Yourenotsupposedtobehere for the new rugs
- Tamira for some vines and toy clutter
- Elianora for the weapon bucket and one or two other things
- Flintone for the cool pillows
- Grantyboy050 for the "Immersive College of Winterhold" assets that are so kindly shared
- Insanity for blankets, towels, soap, the chess boards, and the sundial outside
- Lolikyonyu for some nice filled chests and a rug barrel
- Lilith for a sewing basket
- Runspect for kitchen clutter, some toys, and bathroom clutter
- Refurbmadness for some nice desk clutter
- Skyrimlazz for this helpful upload
I would also like to thank Darkfox127 for the modding tutorials he posts on YouTube. He's a huge help to new modders and I couldn't have made this mod without his scripting advice! Go check out his Caranthir Tower Reborn mod - it's amazing!
If I've forgotten anything, PLEASE point it out to me!
I would hate to not give credit to any of the people who deserve it. This mod would be bland without others in the community.
And last but not least, credit goes to my lovely companion who has inspired me to make this mod and improve it with her suggestions.
I love you, Nat!
I am currently responding to public suggestions!
Feel free to make a suggestion, and you will be heard!