The rumor said that an imperial guard found a golden glowing box dropped from the sky in Solitude, suddenly a portal openned up right over the watch tower, the intense gravitational waves sucked in all nearby trees, grass and rocks...the guard was pulled into it and vanished.
After the investigation, a mysterous container was escorted to Elisif the Fair, and another rumor says she's trying to crack it but failed. This container is still in Solitude, hidden somewhere in Blue Palace.
Queen's Guard Armor
Wraith's new armor from Apex.
For Skyrim SE, CBBE 3BA body, comes with Bodyslides, ESL flagged.
- CBBE - (for CBBE body)
- CBBE 3BA - (need CBBE 3BA)
- BodySlide and Outfit Studio - (Optional, build the armor or use the pre-build one)
- Install with your mod manager. (I'm using Vortex)
- Or mannually copy this mod's textures, meshes, CalienteTools and the plugin QueensGuard.esp to Skyrim Data folder. If you want to uninstall the mod, just remove those files.
Build the outfit
Open BodySlide, type "QueensGuard" in the Outfit Filter, there you can see all armor pieces, then select your body preset, hit Batch Build
Where to find the armor?
- Travel to Blue Palace in Solitude, there's a chest in the room next to Elisif's chamber, it requires a key to open.
- The key was delivered to Elisif, it should be somewhere in her room.
- Report issues in Bugs tab, or leave a comment.
- Apex Legends (Respawn Entertainment & Electronic Arts)
- Custom Cubemaps by fadingsignal (1 cubemap used)
- Special thanks to Hana (Ousnius's Discord)
- Big shoutout to Darkfox127 (Learned a lot from his tutorials)