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About this mod

Adds a new voice type to the game.

Permissions and credits
This mod adds a new voice type to the game. It's meant to bridge the gap between the child and young eager voices. It is strictly a modder resource. It's setup as a Master plugin. Once enabled, you can add it to npcs. Possible uses include having some of the children (which, in the base game, appear to all have been born ...err ... spawned as demon-eyed clones on the same day) be older than others. One of the things I did is age Lars Battle-Born into a teen by resetting his height and giving him this voice. This makes the interactions between him and Braith all the more comical, but this is just meant as an example of a possible use.

The voice also adds basic standalone follower dialogue. The mod does NOT add or change any npcs. As stated above, it's strictly a modder resource. It has NOTHING to do with the old Sassy voice (which was female only and really obnoxious, like me).  The voice type is added to the game form lists dynamically, so it should be compatible with other mods that mess around with those form lists. Technically, it's child voices re-pitched in Audacity using scripts. Don't try to make an adoptable child use this voice, as it doesn't work with adoption. To do so means editing the adoption quest, which can break other mods that do the same thing (multiple adoption mods, etc.).

How to use:

  • Before installing a mod like this, you should make a game save
  • Install and enable with your favorite mod manager
  • Add the voice to your favorite npc either in the CK or xEdit. You'll need to add the included plugin as a master to the plugin for the mod you are editing to do this. MAKE A COPY OF THE MOD YOU ARE EDITING FIRST BEFORE MAKING ANY CHANGES
  • Modders are free to merge this, either fully or partially, into their own mods. It has no use restrictions whatsoever

Known Issue:

Relationship Dialogue Overhaul clashes with this mod. I think it has to do with how that mod overrides default game dialogue forms. AFAIK, there is no way to fix this without completely re-writing that mod or this one. If you aren't getting the standard hello and goodbye dialogue using this voice, that is the reason.

The old Sassy voice was compatible with RDO, because it was 100% new forms for every piece of dialogue. I made this mod differently because I wanted to have some default kids be aged as teens, but retain their original dialogue for interactions. Hope this helps people understand the difference.

Q: But I miss the Sassy girls mod, will you bring it back?
A: Thanks to some bad actors, to my knowledge, anything with the name "Sassy" is banned on Nexus. And besides, the pure HATE it generated here, while also being one of the top npc mod downloads while it was here, was pretty funny. But no. Oh hell no.

Q: What does this mod do, exactly?
A: Go back and read the first two paragraphs above.

Q: I installed this mod and nothing changed. Why?
A: Go back and read the first two paragraphs above.

Q: The kids in the screenshot look different. Will this mod change the appearance of the children?
A: Go back and read the first two paragraphs above.

Q: I want to make my adopted son or daughter into a teen and it didn't work. What's up with that?
A: Go back and read the first two paragraphs above.

Q: This mod messed up my game.
A: Go back and read the first two paragraphs above.


Do whatever you want with this, it's a mod resource.