About this mod
Bundle of Mihail's Draugr Cavalry and Draugr Patrols mods in one esp. The terrifying nordic undead will haunt your nightmares every night from now on after you install this mod.
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- This mod is a compilation of my Draugr Patrols (LE/SE-AE) and Draugr Cavalry (LE/SE-AE) mods. If you use these 2 mods, by downloading this new file you will be able to delete these 2 esps, thus saving space in your load order;
- Obviously you should not use this mod together with the 2 mentioned above, since they are already compiled in this new file, and using them at the same time will double the amount of these undead in your game, in addition to other possible problems;
- If you use, like and value my work, please consider giving an endorsement. I've worked hard for years to offer you the best of me for free, and the only thing I ask in return is this gesture, which increases my relevance and engagement on Nexus, and motivates me to continue;
- I do not inspect or have any influence over translations of my mods (including those linked directly on my pages), nor do I have any power over patches or add-ons made to my content. So, before using any unofficial add-ons for my mods, make sure they conform to the latest version of my official release, and never use these if they don't. The same applies to Xbox ports;
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Bundle of Mihail's Draugr Cavalry and Draugr Patrols mods in one esp. The terrifying nordic undead will haunt your nightmares every night from now on after you install this mod.
From Draugr Cavalry page:
"Meeting a Draugr is never a pleasant thing. Finding a group of them is even less good. But finding a group of Draugr on top of mummified horses is a possible nightmare for many adventurers.
Amongst the ranks of the mummified undead Norsemen, you will find the terrifying Draugr Cavalry. Ages ago, they were the valiant chivalric members of Norse society, who fought bravely in battle to protect their cities and temples, but today, due to the downfall of the Dragon Cult, they trudge around in their decaying forms, astride their cadaverous steeds, a feeble, insane shadow of their former selves. Undead and cursed to never find rest, they still patrol the outer areas of their dungeons, riding their undead horses, searching for intruders, in the service of the ancient Dragon lords, and their Dragon Priest messengers.
They wield Ancient Nord Glaives, a set of Ancient Nord Armor, and attack mounted on their undead armored horses, known in Norse legend as Helheists. More common in the past guarding the outer area of all Norse tombs installed in flat, open areas, most of them have been destroyed by bandits or mercenaries. You will find them nowadays usually guarding only the entrance areas of remote dungeons in the snowy mountains or inside long time closed large unexplored tombs."
by Beastmaster Mihail *
(*Who is Beastmaster Mihail? He is my avatar/persona within the universe composed of all my mods. He is the ingame author who writes the texts that are usually presented as descriptions for my mods. A former monster hunter, now a dedicated scholar, he is planned to be released as an NPC in late 2022/early 2023, doing the same job in-game as my descriptions do on Nexus.)
From Draugr Patrols page:

"As night falls, patrols of ruthless undead marauders descend from their ancient Norse tombs, followed by their undead hounds, onto the roads leading to farms and small camps, in search of material for their ritualistic chores." by Beastmaster Mihail * (*Who is Beastmaster Mihail? He is my avatar/persona within the universe composed of all my mods. He is the ingame author who writes the texts that are usually presented as descriptions for my mods. A former monster hunter, now a dedicated scholar, he is planned to be released as an NPC in late 2022/early 2023, doing the same job in-game as my descriptions do on Nexus.)
"Who lights the candles and torches in the ancient and forgotten nord temples and ruins, and refills the food and other clutter items?" "Every day, a different set of draugr would awaken, shamble their way to the sarcophagus of their priest, and prostrate themselves before it. Several hours of this, followed by a meticulous cleaning of the area. It would appear that the adherents of the dragon priest continue their worship of him in death, which would also explain the ferocity with which they defend his chambers." http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Amongst_the_Draugr
In short: the Draugr are the ones that execute the maintenance of their own ancient tombs. Groups of Draugr "wake up" in a daily basis to perform functions such as: cleaning the area, worshiping their Dragon Priest, extermination of potential harmful invaders, ligthining the candles, replacing the old food offerings for new and fresh ones, organizing all the furniture, and performing other necessary maintenance and ritualistic functions. In resume, Draugrs are under an ancient magic power that makes them act and function like if they were still alive.
"But, how can they find fresh food and items? Do Draugs have an undead farm?"
- No, do you remember what Hadvar said about Draugrs? "See that ruin up there? Bleak Falls Barrow. When I was a boy, that place always used to give me nightmares. Draugr creeping down the mountain to climb through my window at night, that kind of thing. I admit, I still don't much like the look of it."
The Draugr patrol the areas close to their dungeons at night, stealing food, assaulting travelers, plundering farms.
Draugr patrols mod mechanics (SPOILER ALERT): This mod adds Draugr patrols (3/5 Draugr and 1/2 Draugr hounds, known as Draugulfs), to 7 of the 38 nordic tombs of Skyrim. They remain in nordic guard houses close to the entrance of the dungeons (with acess to the interior of the tombs, although not functional for the player), or ruined nordic towers, during day, descending into the roads at night, and returning at dawn. The patrols are divided in Draugr Scouts, Draugr Pillagers and Draugr Ravagers, and they use ferocious Draugr Hounds as sniffers. They are only present in dungeons that have no Forsworn or a big number of bandits outside, what may indicate that the presence of invaders result in the destruction of that outside riders, at last temporarily.
Nonetheless, there are a few documented cases where the bandits living outside or in the first area of the interior of the tomb started making offerings to the draugr to avoid their outside walkings. In this cases, Draugr just took the items given by the bandits, and returned to the shadows of the deep tomb, without attacking them. However, contact almost always results in a slaughter, either of the zombie patrol or the invaders, sometimes both.
Draugr Patrols will not enter the cities during their outside raidings, and usually do not get very close to them, to avoid the death of NPCs.

- Several new types of Draugr: Draugr Horseman, and several types of Draugr Patrolmen;
- 1 new weapon: Ancient Nord Glaive;
- 1 new shield: Ancient Nordic Shield;
- 2 new creatures: Draugulfs and Helhests;
- New event: Draugr patrols at night, 7 in total, related to 7 different nordic tombs;
- New architecture: ancient nordic guard houses added to some of the patrols resting locations.

So far no incompatibilities have been found between this mod and other mods.
(OBS- If by chance when installing several of Mihail's mods at the same time you are asked about files overwriting those of other Mihail mods or other authors mods, don't worry because they are just the same files shared between mods. I recommend that on these occasions always give preference to the files contained in my mods, and among mine always give preference to the mod you are installing last.)

The Mihail Monsters and Animals series aims to create and make available to the community the most complete set of creatures for TES 5: Skyrim, implemented in an immersive and unique way, with respect to the pillars of lore. Instead of pathetically just throwing models and textures in the game reusing 100% vanilla mechanics, the creatures made by Mihail have uniqueness and extreme zeal in their idealization and implementation, which will provide you with an experience that you have never had before in this area.

Mihail- Helhest (draugr horse) model, textures and animations; Draugr horseman (using vanilla draugr model) re-modeling and skeleton edit to adapt it to the proper normal draugr proportions and correct pose for the animations used, also 4k re-texture of the draugr texture used on it and on the Draugr patrolmen (featured only on the new draugr enemies, not affecting the vanilla ones) and animations; weapon was made using vanilla Draugr weapons as base for consistency, with 4k re-texture (featured only on the new weapon, not affecting the vanilla ones), Draugulf re-modelling, 4k re-texture of it, sounds and animations; game implementation;
Some assets used on this mod belong to:
Vicn- in order to save time, i used his vanilla draugr re-modeled by him into the model pose of the vanilla riekling as base to my draugr animated as riekling boar-rider, since the initial model pose is basically the same, just with different positioning and other minor necessary tweaks;
majormodder- draugr shield model and texture;
CD PROJEKT RED- for lore consistency, due to the fact that I used one of the Witcher 3 hounds as Pitbull Mastiffs in my Pitbull Mastiff mod, the same model was used here as a base for the Draugr version of that same dog breed, although modified by me to suit the purpose of this mod (this model will be replaced in the future when I make a unique model for the draugulfs, but it has no set date to occur).