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About this mod

Adds Creation Club Wild Horses to the Immersive Horses mod.

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  • German
This newer version of the mod no longer uses the permaclone method to adopt the wild horses, they should now become a part of your herd as soon as you have tamed them.
If you are using Realistic Horse Breeds by KrittaKitty, make sure that Immersive Horses is loaded after or you will lose the Immersive Horses packages.
The FOMOD has the option to install a mesh from
the vanilla game to fix the creation horses having bits of their tials missing.

The horse breeds.json file included also has the addition made to that file from Immersive Horses - Bruma Patch.
My mod has as masters: Immersive Horses and of course the Creation Club Wild Horses content.  I also recommend using Immersive Horses Script Fixes.
The wild horses are renamed to match the names used in the Creation Club quest/notes.
Also an option in the FOMOD is a replacer for the uilib notification swf that reduces the size of the notification messages that UiLib makes.
Since Immersive Horses uses meshes from KrittaKitty's mod I strongly recommend
Realistic Primitive Horse Breeds - Anniversary Edition.

This is very much a beta at the moment since I'm not sure I've got the complete hang of how Immersive Horses works. It seems that on a clean save the PotentialFollowerfaction that is added to the wild horses by Creation Club Wild Horses - Immersive Horses Compatibility Patch is not recognised by the game, so I have attached a script to the horses to do that and added a condition to the horse abilities spell so that the Immersive Horses commands don't show up until a horse is tamed.
There is now a quest with a OnPlayerLoadGame event in a script attached to a player alias.  This may help users who used an earlier versoin of the mod and found that later versions misbehaved.

There are now optional esps for the Reindeer and the Dwarven Horse creations.