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this mods Irileth's Son Icmoth. I recommend Elven Ears for Breton's mod. There are no dependencies. ESL

Permissions and credits
As said above. Icmoth is a duplicate of Irileth. He has all Irileths Spell lists. He has the Quicksilver Nordic Armor and he has a 2H Battleaxe also. He is listed as a 1H like his mother if you wanna give him a sword and shield he should do well. I don't think it matters as with my floating damage mod no matter what you give then they do like 7 damage per swing. Bethesda. Anyway, make up your own story about how he came to be. But I will say Balgruuf calls him fuzzy as he can't remember a night here and there lol. He has 4000Health, 1000Magicka and 3000Stamina. He is essential and levels 40-300. Any Crime, Fool Hearted and is Breton race so the Elven Ears for Breton's would give him elven ears. I am going to include a few optional files.... 1 He has the Dark Elf Male voice so there will be and optional file 0.1 Male Young and Eager voice (Like Eric the Slayer) Then I am going to add a 0.2 that will add KS Hairdo's as a dependency and this file will also have the young and eager voice. Which 0.2 is the one I will be using as I do the files in steps to give options for what I am going to use.