About this mod
Part 1 to my series of planned Feminine Idle Themed Animation mods
Made especially for new features in Open Animation Replacer
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
- Donations

Animation Frameworks Statement
Thank you again Ershin!
For this reason, this series will officially only support OAR
anim snapping is a new issue with loop swapping's lack of anim blend,
causing transitions to jerk if misaligned with the next idle
In my mod a core pose is used to prevent anim snapping
Allowing the animations to act together as if pieces to a puzzle"
"Open Animation Replacer adds new possibilities and with it new challenges
Looping Animations like Idles can now be swapped at rest without player input
This was previously impossible with DAR and idles became boring unless
animations were needlessly long to add more variation......."
This mod includes 8 new Seamless Varied Feminine Idles. LE Version
Making use of OAR's randomized loop swapping features 2 Main Idles
3 Misc Idles 3 Mirrored Alts of various lengths mesh seamlessly
back to back without player input to finally Lessen repetitive Idles
Female NPC's and Female Player use animations
Integrated support for my
Sonders Keyword Distribution Resources
"Above restricts Elder NPCS and allows Player only anims via Keywords"
Step one
open the mod in oar

Step Two
Select User Mode

Step Three
Enable the greyed out PlayerKeyword condition

Open Animation Replacer by Ershin

Sonders Keyword Distribution Resources - for Player and Elder Keywords

A: OAR supports all existing DAR mods
It is also far more user and mod developer friendly
While I still might make a few DAR mods
I will not restrict myself to it since OAR
Is all I have ever hoped for
Q: Male anims when???
A: If I one day feel like it
Q: What are those outfits your characters are wearing?
A: Here are some screenshots of my inventory for several outfits :)
I wish I could help more but I have over a 1000 mods in my modlist
and would rather not cipher through them all
Previous Outfits

Q: What folder does what in dis mod >.>
A:Look in OAR Menu

Thanks to Kars for the original Blender Rig used in these animations creation
Permission to edit/release/update/distribute these files in part noncommercially only on nexusmods
as long as you credit me as the original creator! This is not a greenlight to reupload my work in part or whole
as separate animation packs; however, most things are fine, as long as they still require my original mod.
Please consult me if you are interested in porting to Skyrim LE or Console
If you are interested in including these animations in your own mod packs
Misc files Animation Resources OAR can be added as a requirement to your pack
This allows for a nondestructive method of adding new configs to my animations

KKopstoot - Ele Gig - Pope_UrbanVII
elninocro - Jace23 - Andres Castro
jackyyc0093 - Razvan Manea - Power2All
Frank Guerra - Sigma Team - Xephiratone
boing boing - Tj Kenmate - Vivi - IronLegend747 -
syhina - Ryuuji Gremory - Wings-ten74