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Author notes
the following have permissions to :
FM07 now has permission to port to Bethesda for xbox etc turtlegodking has permission to port this mod to Skyrime LE. Permission is Granted to any user who would like to make patches for my mod to improve/bugfixes/compatibility patches etc.
File credits
Static Mesh Improvement Mod for the Orc Awing Assets i used to tweak and make my own version.
Donation Points system
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Author:Autore originale JJerem Traduzione DonRipx
Strongholds - Dushnikh Yal - ITA
Version 2.6.1
2.6.1 - added missing textures
-Removed many clutters for hopefully a slight performance gain. best i could do. - fixed some navmesh - re done face gen - re named esp to Orc Strongholds - Dushnikh Yal - Recompacted for ESL - ESL flagged - removed custom stable mesh from old version. - landscape height tweaks - added helgen gate with tweaked animation. doors stop opening at 90degrees - all 3rd party patches will need to be updated for this version. sorry. I was just a beginner when i made these. have a cookie thnx have a gr8 tyme
Version 2.6
-Removed many clutters for hopefully a slight performance gain. best i could do. - fixed some navmesh - re done face gen - re named esp to Orc Strongholds - Dushnikh Yal - Recompacted for ESL - ESL flagged - removed custom stable mesh from old version. - landscape height tweaks - all 3rd party patches will need to be updated for this version. sorry. I was just a beginner when i made these. have a cookie thnx have a gr8 tyme
Version 2.1
- navmesh tweaks - extra clutter - added markers - few more npcs - re compacted form ids and facegen - removed clutter from bleakwind basin sky - architectur tweaks to hide gaps - moved horse - fixed file path for my custom stable mesh, and put the nif in the file (forgot in last version) new stable should appear now
Version 2.0
- Complete remake of version 1.5. - Redesigned from ground up - New custom assets - New Npcs - New everything
Version 1.5
- Removed all fences crates and ship wood beams. - tweaked the walls - replaced floors with walkways. - removed clutter - ESL now
Version 1.4
- removed another sun light source - removed floating beams - changed the "whiterun stone walls" high colision mesh
Version 1.3
-removed a light source and some clutter -swapped some stone walls
Version 1.2
- removed floating objects from bleakwind basin
Version 1.1
- Fixed Navmesh CTD issue - Navmesh Tweaks - Fixed hole in upper floor of wall, if you fell in you would be trapped - Changed gatehouse from castle door to use HelgenGate01 which looks better - added a cow - added some goats - removed a few nirnroots - fixed file structure so Yuril's stockade spikes will now be visible.
Version 1.0
- adds bigger walls and towers, ads a shrine area, adds stockade walls on the roads. adds clutter, adds more orc huts. re navmeshed, moved markers etc
Speical Thank to Capt. Panda, Nariva TV & JFM FTW for featuring my mod In their showcase
(Update - Featured Video showcases version 1.5, New version 2.0+ is much different)
Version 2.0+ An Overhaul of the Orc Stronghold Dushnikh Yal.
Redesigns the Stronghold into a fortified encampment that now reflects the title of "Stronghold" and no longer a generic looking bandit camp. I feel the vanilla Orc Strongholds are quite lackluster and underwhelming, there is not much difference between the Orc Strongholds and the average Bandit camp, like Halted Steam Camp, Robber's Gorge etc. When exploring Skyrim it's difficult to distinguish between Bandit Camps and Orc Strongholds, so hopefully this mod injects more personality into the different locations, and makes it easier to distinguish the two.
Version 2.0+
- Redesign from 1.5, remade from scratch - New Layout - removed the whiterun towers - Adds Npcs - Training Area - Custom meshes for Orc awning roofs, now with no legs (Made the design easier and feel less messy) - New custom Mesh made for Stables - adds more clutter outside the walls. - small tent camp area outside the walls - Landscape edits - Removed lots of Grass
The following are not required for my mod to function, it will function on It's own. These are my personal favorite mods I enjoy to add an extra layer of Immersion and upgraded visuals.
- You will need to re run DynDolod after installing my mod, otherwise you'll get pop in of the walls and towers from a distance. I personally cba with dyndolod anymore and just use fog and mist mods lol
Thank you for reading, ENJOY.
DAWNGUARD.ESM contains a deleted navmesh that will be flagged in Dushnikh Yal, i have tested cleaning this and fixing the deleted navmesh in my mod, however i get CTDS when it's clean. Therefore this will be left as a "dirty" mod, which is fine as i get zero CTDs when leaving it like this. It has Been cleaned of deleted ITM records though.