About this mod
Adds some hold-themed color variety to any mod-added festival flags around Skyrim! Comes in 4 different versions!
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
This mod will add different colored flags based on hold to those newly added areas! There are four options: three different rope types based on SMIM meshes, and vanilla based meshes.
- Base Object Swapper
- Static Mesh Improvement Mod: Only for the SMIM versions.
- (Optional) Solitude Object SMIMed - festival ropes: if you want consistency with the SMIM rope options.
This mod will work with any mod that adds new festival ropes as long they use the vanilla record SRopefestivalLine01.
These mods include but are not limited to:
- Spaghetti's Cities and Towns
- Dawn of Skyrim
- Windhelm Bridge Revived
- Skyking's Granite Hill
- Anything by Jkrojmal, such as JK's Whiterun Outskirts or JK's Markarth Outskirts
Please let me know if you have a mod installed that adds them in an area I've missed and I will add that location to the mod as well.
This mod would not be possible if it weren't for the fantastic work by Suinier, so thank you. Please download/endorse their original mod and give them a kudos. Thanks to their open permissions I have included the meshes and textures they provided in a FOMOD for ease of installation. I also I gave the flags a custom normal map from Project Clarity, as the banner mod that I've been using had a normal map that did not really work well for these. I thought that might happen for others so I opted for a custom one. Any Donation Points received from this mod will be going 50%/50% to myself and Suinier.