About this mod
A female Breton preset. The clever conjurer. Contains files to use her as a follower with LazyFollowers.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
- Donations
- Download and install using a mod manager
- Download and Install any requirements (e.g. KS Hairdos)
- Create a new character
- Select the correct race and sex (in this case, Breton and Female)
- Go to the 'Presets' tab
- Load 'Miggyluv's Female Breton - Roses' (F9)
- Enjoy
Because I use extra sliders in RaceMenu when creating presets (that you might not have) the face may look weird when you import it.
If so, try importing the supplied FaceGen file too, that should fix it:
- Go to the 'Sculpt' tab
- Load 'Miggyluv's Female Breton - Roses' (F9)
- The face should correct itself
- NOW...Enjoy
You can try the preset on other races, but she was designed as a Breton. She might work ok on other human races, but she might look odd on elven races (I haven't checked). Feel free to post your screen grabs.
If you're interested these are the mods I use to create presets (for male and female non-beast race characters)
- Schlongs of Skyrim (for men obvs)
- High Poly Head
- Highly Improved Male Body Overhaul (HIMBO)
- Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Enhancer -CBBE-
- Expressive FaceGen Morphs
- EFM SE Racemenu Plugin
- Expressive Facial Animation -Male Edition-
- Expressive Facial Animation -Female Edition-
- ECE Ear Shape Sliders for Racemenu
- ECE Sliders Addon for Racemenu
- Race-Based Textures (RBT)
- Bits and Pieces Male Skin RBT
- BnP Female Skin (RBTRSV Version)
- KS Hairdos
- KS Hairdos Male Scalp Fix
- Hvergelmir's Aesthetics - Beards
- Beards by Hvergelmir for High Poly head
- The eyes of Beauty
- The Eyes of beauty - Elves Edition
- Loverboy Eyes
- Loverboy Brows
- BnP Eye Overhaul
- Eye Normal map Fix
- Mikan Eyes
- Lamae's Gaze - Vampire eyes
- Orc Teeth Replacement
- BnP Teeth Overhaul
- BnP Teeth TRV Patch
- More Scars
- Northborn Scars
- Northborn Scars for High Poly Head
- Hvergelmir's Aesthetics - Brows
- Hvergelmir Brows and SG Eyebrows for High Poly head
- Lementhia's Marks of Beauty
- Skin Features Overlays - Freckles Scares Birthmarks Stretch marks Moles
- Dumner Overlays for Racemenu
- Normal Vampire Face for High Poly Head
- Racial Body Morphs

Download Lazy Followers and install it using a mod manager.
- Open up the 'LazyFollowers' menu
- In the 'main' section, select a template from the 'NCPs' dropdown (this will be renamed once you create a follower)
- Type in the Follower Name in the 'NCP Name' field
- Select a combat style. This dictates how the NPC will act in combat as well as what type of attacks they prefer to use, melee, ranged, magic etc
- Select a class. This is very important to match with the combat style. NPCs don't gain skills when they use them only when they level up. And when they do the class dictates not only which skills they'll increase but also the stats. For example, if you set the combat style to be a caster but the class to 2h warrior you'll end up with a high health, low or zero magicka NPC that'll be generally useless. The LazyClass spreads all skills and stats evenly and isn't a good match for most types of followers.
- Select one of the Miggyluv presets from the 'Preset' dropdown
- Select the desired voice type. The ones with an asterisk(*) at the end are the ones the standard game uses for followers and should always work showing the necessary dialogue. If you use a mod like Relationship Dialogue Overhaul you can also use the others. Remember that the voice is used from the list you opened last, the "Female Voices" or "Male Voices" menus.
- Select the race in the 'Races' dropdown
- Optional. You can add spells to your follower in the 'Spells' section. Just select a spell from the right list and it will be added to the left.
- Once you're satisfied with click 'Apply settings' in the 'Main' menu and then click 'Summon NPC' to get started
Note: the NPC will be naked when you summon them, so maybe have some clothes ready. Also, think of the children and do it somewhere private ;-)