About this mod
Addons Collection for Dynamic Activation Key by JaySerpa. Easily trade with merchants, train with trainers, get access to follower or horse inventory. More to come!
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Spanish
- Russian
- Portuguese
- Mandarin
- French
- Changelogs
- Donations
- Trade with merchants.
- Train with trainers.
- Access follower/horse inventory.
- Quickly plant last planted seed.
- Harvest all plants in range.
- Take book.
- Equip armor.
- Equip weapon and optionally draw it (default).
- Equip scroll and optionally draw it (default).
- Eat and drink food and ingredients.
Some features are available in other mods or conflict with them. If you are using any mod with similar/conflicting option, use MCM to disable it.
Installation order:
Dynamic Activation Key
Dynamic Activation Key - MCM
Dynamic Activation Key - Addons Collection