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About this mod

This mod voices every single line included in the amazing "Alternate Perspective" alternate start mod by Scrab.

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This mod adds (spliced) voice lines to Alternate Perspective. I really wanted to like Alternate Perspective as it offers a lot of things that I've always wanted in my ideal alternate start mod, but I just can't stand unvoiced quests and dialogues anymore. So boom, here's the solution.

Why you should choose Alternate Perspective over other alternate start mods:
  • Other mods tend to ignore Helgen. Either Helgen is already destroyed, or you need to avoid Helgen at all costs because getting close spawns a dragon out of nowhere and sends you down a main quest that you might not want to start at that point. Result? You avoid going through Helgen, which is unfortunate cause it's in the middle of the freaking map. Well, no more!
  • Enjoy a (small but functional) new town. There's a couple of radiant quests and a bit of dialogue with the residents of Helgen before the town gets destroyed.
  • Mod is flexible, allowing you to play the vanilla intro, see the vanilla intro from a different perspective, or install dozens of new starts via third party mods.

About this addon:
  • The mod should be usable in any collections/modlists/load orders, but this has been made primarily for my upcoming collection "Gate to Sovngarde". This means that some changes go a bit beyond just adding new voice lines. If you encounter an issue with Alternate Perspective while you have this mod installed, please don't bother the original mod author.
  • The big change here is that EVERY voice line is now fully voiced with spliced lines. No more silent dialogue in the mod. Please, note that due to the special needs of splicing lines, I've had to change some dialogue to fit the existing vanilla lines. What this means is that this mod deviates from the vision its original author had. If you want to conserve the original author's vision for the mod, I recommend not installing this addon.
  • Some of the minor changes include: Better lighting in the starting cell, music in the starting cell, music in the new cells, the exit door no longer hits you in the face. you can now lean on a railing while watching the intro, added an ear ringing sound effect when Alduin knocks you out... and other tiny things like that.


  • Alternate Perspective: Make sure my mod is loaded after the original
  • This was made with the most current version in mind (3.0.3). If Scrab updates the main mod, chances are this addon no longer works. Please, check the version before installing.

Big Thanks to:
Scrab for making such a mod. Anyone who has ever opened Helgen in Creation Kit or MQ101 knows that it's the biggest clusterfck you've ever seen. Scrab managed to sort through it all and made this gem for us to enjoy. Big kudos to them.

〜 Ares, Eric, FluffPantsMysterious, 
K0mp1ex, Macpherb, Nightfallstorm〜

& everyone who is supporting me on Patreon or via other means
Thank you! Your support means a lot!


- ESL?

- Can I use this with Alternate Start Live Another Life/Unbound/Realm of Lorkhan?
No, Alternate Perspective is a complete separate mod. Do not install two alternate start mods in the same save, you sicko.

- In the video, I see you removed the "Bethesda presents... SKYRIM" title screen, how comes?
No, that's still part of the mod. I was just experimenting stuff when recording the video.

- Could the legends be true?

- Is there shame in borrowing a friend's axe?


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