About this mod
Light armor for CBBE, 3BA, BHUNP, HIMBO, and vanilla male. Craftable in two colors. BodySlide with zaps. Ground models, weight slider, beast races, and survival mode supported. ESLified.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs

This mod includes all the pieces needed to round out a set of medieval fantasy armor, including tunic (shirt), doublet (jacket), braise (short pants), hose (long pants), pauldron (shoulder armor), cuirass (chest armor), fauld (waist armor) with belt, cuisse (thigh armor), and some pouches to hold your gold. The female version also includes bikini-style panties in case that braise is too confining. All of these parts (except the belt) are individually zappable in BodySlide in case you want to customize.
- Caliente’s Beautiful Bodies Enhancer -CBBE- or 3BA or BHUNP with all their prerequisites
- HIMBO if you use the HIMBO male version
- BodySlide if you want to fit the outfits to a body shape other than CBBE Curvy and vanilla male
Download and install with your mod manager (e.g., Vortex or MO2). Don’t forget to activate the plugin. The .esp is flagged as light (ESPFE) so it doesn’t count toward Skyrim’s 255 .esp limit. It can be placed anywhere in your load order since it doesn’t overwrite anything.
If you want to adjust the armor to fit 3BA, BHUNP, HIMBO, or another CBBE BodySlide preset, open BodySlide. Select Choose Groups from the Group Filter dropdown menu, check the appropriate Graf Outrider checkbox(es), and click OK. Next select your preferred body from the Preset dropdown menu. Then select the outfit components from the Outfit/Body dropdown menu. If you want to zap zappable components, check those Zap… checkboxes. Then click the Build button and BodySlide will build that object. Make sure you build the boots, gloves, and outfit to the same body preset or you will see clipping in game.
In game, use any forge to craft the boots, gloves, and outfit in brown (“Umber”) or black (“Obsidian”). In addition to leather and leather strips, you will need Dwarven ingots to craft the Umber version and silver ingots for the Obsidian. All pieces can be improved at the armor crafting bench using leather or leather strips. All items are enchantable. Item weights, values, and armor ratings are the same as Improved Thieves Guild Armor.
This mod doesn’t edit any vanilla records, so it should work well with almost any other mod. The .esp isn’t dependent on any other plugin except Skyrim.esm and Update.esm. The outfit includes the Survival_ArmorWarm keyword so it’s compatible with survival mode. It includes both male and female versions, so any character or NPC can wear it, including beast races. The vanilla male version includes full weight slider support. All other versions include slider support appropriate to that body type.
-To Bethesda for another magnificent game.
- To Caliente, Ousnius, and Jeir for CBBE and BodySlide.
- To Ousnius and Caliente for Outfit Studio, and to the developers of Blender, NifSkope, and Paint.net. These tools plus Adobe Substance3D Painter enabled me to create what you see here.
- To Ousnius for Material Editor.
- To jonwd7 for the B.A.E. -Bethesda Archive Extractor.