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Lydia: Redefined - Demonstration 12 - Dynamic Relationship Level Changes

Just a small demo of how your actions can influence Lydia's relationship with you and how she will keep you abreast of her current thoughts and feelings about you and about your partnership, particularly when the relationship changes from one level to another.

Of note, when she doesn't like you, she will say so and cut the conversation off. But after you shift back from poor relations to neutral relations, not only does she notify you of such, she also shifts to a more Thane/Housecarl relationship tone AND doesn't cut you off from further dialogue topics.

Of course, its a tech demo at this point, but it is the core of the system and will be expanded upon greatly. All handled by a single script function, a stack of conditional booleans on thats same script and dialogue entries. No timers, no hackery shit, just pure know-how.. :)