Skyrim Special Edition

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Proteus to the rescue!Proteus is a neat little in game tool to do many functions normally reserved for the CK or console.

Get it here: of the many things it can do is modify stats of weapons in game.
This comes in handy if you download an awesome new weapon but with the animation, and game play mods you're using the speed at which the animations are playing is too fast or slow for your personal tastes.
The in game speed of a weapon is a combination of a few things, and if dual wielding it's the average of the two weapons you're using.
For example if you off hand a really fast dagger with a slow sword the result will be the dagger is slower and sword faster because it's adding both values and dividing by 2.
Knowing that the speed value as well as the weight values play a role is also important.
The end speed of the item is calculated from both those values.
Knowing this isn't really that important as we can work as a ratio.
Say your animations are twice the speed you want them to be.
Double the weight and half the speed in Proteus.
You can fine tune from there.
Be sure to save your edits either for all instances of that item or for just the ones in the players inventory.

Super simple but effective way to tweak the combat speed if it's not exactly what you want. :)

Proteus also has many other features that can change faces on NPCs, save your character and bring them as a follower in another game (then switch which character you're playing) plus many more.

Highly recommend this tool.