Skyrim Special Edition

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Fare Thee Well Version 1.4 is still in the works!This video shows some early test footage of a new feature--spouse tasks.

Some tasks will be restricted to specific NPCs who meet their particular requirements, whereas others will be tied to certain home locations. Task 5 (not shown in the video) is the most ambitious of the lot, and is a royal pain to put together in the Creation Kit.



  1. Yueviathan
    • member
    • 34 kudos
    I love what I see here <3 . Any mod that adds more life to npc I'm all about it. I see somethings in your showcase I do not recognize. There is an option to ask "how are you?" other then kaidan I have never seen this option for regular npc. What mod is adding this option in your showcase?
    1. Lollia
      • premium
      • 201 kudos

      The "How are you?" and "May I ask you something?" are both from my other passion project, Denizens of Morthal - Dialogue and Character Expander, which is all about NPC-to-NPC conversations. I give that particular dialogue option to the NPCs I consider "Anchor" characters (they represent specific voice types and also help to keep me invested in certain locations so I stay motivated enough to splice dialogue for them and their neighbors).

      Anchors also receive expanded backgrounds, interactions, quest awareness and skill adjustments. The Anchors for Denizens are Benor, Valdimar, Erandur, and the bandit from Frostmere Crypt, Eisa Blackthorn. I am strongly considering allowing Falion to join them as the representative for the MaleSlyCynical voice type in the future. Denizens has a sibling mod in the works (Kindred Spirits) that focuses on the rest of Skyrim's holds plus Solstheim, and so it includes its own set of Anchor characters.

      The "You look a bit pensive" line is from an as yet unreleased update of Denizens, one that has been in the works for nearly three years. It's connected to Benor's increased awareness of the Laid to Rest quest.
    2. Yueviathan
      • member
      • 34 kudos
      I am very happy to have discovered your mods. This is going to be a mandatory add to my mod list. Thank you so much for making this and I feel a little a shame I didn't know about these mods till today. I truly look for stuff like this all the time. Literally anything to give more reasons to talk to npc like people ^_^
    3. Lollia
      • premium
      • 201 kudos
      I'm so glad you like them! My mods tend to fly below the radar quite often.

      Your comment made me a bit paranoid about what was actually showing in the video--I sometimes work on a custom dialogue overhaul and occasionally forget to disable it. If you ever spot a dialogue option that looks like "Converse", then you'll know I left it on.

      I learned the hard way that changing one's load order around can internally scramble (visually) the format of any dialogue trees in the Creation Kit, so I try to avoid messing with my load order at all cost. Once I get the overhaul into a more robust shape feature-wise, I'll probably pick out a permanent spot for it and then just keep it enabled so it has less of a chance of being scrambled again.  
  2. Goodwick
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    Oh this is going to be such a lovely addition!
    1. Lollia
      • premium
      • 201 kudos
      I hope so!

      Every task that you see in the video (plus the other tasks that were not shown) is operating outside of the normal way that a proper radiant quest works. The way I put everything together...
  3. SgtGimlinho
    • premium
    • 33 kudos
    looks neat! good job :)
    1. Lollia
      • premium
      • 201 kudos
      Thank you!