Skyrim Special Edition

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Welp, I started working on a new mod project that's probably gonna be a more light-weight version of Monster Facial Animation, although probably strictly werewolf-oriented. So I downloaded the Elegant Werewolf Replacer (one of the most beautifully wolf-like werewolf replacers I've ever come across), and decided to add facial animation to it which took me all night. So this is gonna be an add-on for this upcoming mod of mine, which is also gonna be for SSE only. I'm just uncertain how I feel about posting new stuff these days, because the odds are that I may get bombarded with questions regarding conflicts.


  1. DmitryXYZ
    • member
    • 32 kudos
    Facial Expressions looking great! Nice work! ^_^
  2. Wolflady500
    • premium
    • 94 kudos
    I don't blame you for being wary. Heck even AFTER testing and confirming stuff is capable, I still get remarks about 'XYZ isn't capable ahhh!' and then we dig into it and turns it out my mod is capable and their load order was just mucked up.

    I will be happy to help test or provide anything I can for this project though, it looks SO cool!
  3. Kourtana
    • supporter
    • 8 kudos
    I say don’t worry about people asking about conflicts.

    Perhaps what I would suggest to resolve that is to possibly test some mods that may conflict yourself (or ask for help if needed) before releasing the mod. Then make a list of mods that are/aren’t compatible. When you release the mod, simply add the list you made into the disc, or into a stickied post in the “posts” section. 

    If there are mods you haven’t tested, then simply put “May conflict with anything that modifies the werewolf race record, werewolf mesh, etc. that doesn’t have a patch.” 

    Then when someone asks, you/someone can direct them to the disc/stickied post.