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Custom created LUT for Rudy ENB to better fit with Kynes Weather and Seasons.
Tweaked lighting so that I'm not totally blind at night using ENB without a torch.
Don't get me wrong.....I like dark nights, and darkened ambiance in dungeons but not a fan of pitch black can't see where you're going or whats attacking you situations.
Tried BandiCam, and OBS for video capture before.
Both are good but would stutter no matter what settings I chose especially while looking around quickly.
The video quality isn't as good with nVidia capture available in their GForce experience but at least it doesn't appear to stutter as bad on my system.

My apologies about the music.
I added one of the free tracks available on Windows 10 Video editor but it appears to have copyright issues when uploaded to youtube so replaced it with multiple free to use tracks from youtube.
Next time I'm just turning the in game music back on


  1. QueenCioch
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    That music sounds like a bad ringtone choice, you tried. Everything looks pretty good Nico congrats.
    1. Nicoroshi
      • premium
      • 877 kudos
      I did have a different free to use track on there from Microsoft’s video editor but YouTube flagged it as copyright infringement so had to change it to some of their free to use tracks.
      Yes, they stink. 
      Next video I will just turn on the in game music instead.
  2. phatbassanchor
    • premium
    • 67 kudos
    See you on youtube
    Adventure on, Phat