About this video
Today I xenocraft1212 showcase the skyrim special edition mod convenient horses. Convenient horses makes the horses of skyrim more useful, and a more realistic. The description goes as follows.
Link to nexus http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/9519/?
Convenient Horses 6.0 for Skyrim Special Edition is next installment of a popular mod that has more than a million of unique downloads, aiming to overhaul horse system in Skyrim and improve immersive gameplay by a tenfold.
Unlike its predecessor, it has been built from a ground up to radically change the way you interact with and use horses. It is not a port, but a completely new experience free of any script extender dependencies.
If you value immersion and prefer being pleasantly surprised, then I strongly recommend that you stop reading this and go start a new game and let the mod introduce itself in a natural manner, at the appropriate time.
possible spoilers
Mounted harvesting of ingredients.
Mounted interaction with people and corpses.
Mounted combat horse charge.
Horse encumbrance system and mobile storage.
Horse dialogue interaction and fast dismount.
Horse follow and combat behavior customization.
Horse whistle and calling.
Horse attribute training.
Horse equipment crafting and discovery.
Followers’ horses and mounted combat.
Getting Started
Once you own the horse, find a quiet place to sleep and dream about all these unimaginable things. The dream would leave such a strong impression on you that you will immediately want to go to your horse and try to recreate the nightly experience.
If you become clueless then just follow your own intuition and notes written in a quest log. When you complete the introductory quest the mod will be fully open to you with all its features.
Horse Training
All owned horses can be trained to have their attributes improved. There are three main attributes and values they govern: Strength (damage and carry weight), Endurance (health and stamina) and Speed (movement speed). Once you put points into one of these attributes there is no turning back so save game beforehand and choose the build carefully.
Encumbrance System
Owned horses have limit to how much they can carry, weighing both items stored on them and items that you carry when you ride. Horse will slow down the more it carries and even buck you off its back if you are being unreasonable.
Horse Equipment
You start with some basic horse equipment. Protective barding can be crafted if you are a blacksmith. The rest of the equipment is tied to becoming a member of a faction or rewarded when you complete certain quests.
Followers’ Horses
You can ask followers to buy a horse for themselves. They will gladly take gold from you, go to the stables and come back when done. They will use horse call or whistle, and fight from a horseback. If there’s no dialogue option for a follower to buy a horse, then it’s not supported by the mod.
What’s Changed
If you are new to Convenient Horses then you already have enough information to start playing. However, if you are accustomed to using previous version of the mod then you should be aware of following no mores:
No more bound keys, you will learn new controls by following the introductory quest.
No more configuration menus, everything is done via horse dialogue.
No more stat bonuses, each owned horse can be trained differently for increased efficiency.
No more instant access to all the equipment, it’s unlocked through gameplay instead.
No more unlimited storage, be aware of new encumbrance system and combined weights.
No more bloat, useless features and spaghetti code.
Thank you for using Convenient Horses!
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convenient horses.