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Show off your green thumb and grow Kookadoba and Gilded Ginger!
Adds two new slimes, the black hole slime, and the white hole slime.
This mod makes your drones auto-recharge when the battery goes less than 95%, therefore making the battery never deplete, which means more exploration time for you!P.S. This should work on advanced drones too but I haven't tested, let me know if it doesn't work.
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This mod makes your drones auto-recharge when the battery goes less than 95%, therefore making the battery never deplete, which means more exploration time for you!P.S. This should work on advanced drones too but I haven't tested, let me know if it doesn't work.
Adds 3 new slimes to the game, the ruby slime, the unstable slime and the ruins slime.
- 290KB
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Adds 3 new slimes to the game, the ruby slime, the unstable slime and the ruins slime.