File information
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LightOfTheOuterLimitUploaded by
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About this mod
Adds the Japanese voice of Yun-Seong to Soulcalibur 6.
Replaces the "Adventurous Youth" Japanese voice.
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
Replaces the "Adventurous Youth" male voice, only in Japanese.
Open the ZIP, extract the PAK file, put it in your Soulcalibur 6 mod folder. Its usual location is (yours might differ):
C:\Program Files\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SoulcaliburVI\SoulcaliburVI\Content\Paks\~MODS
If the last few folders don't exist, create them.
Restart your game if it's open.
Create a male custom character, give it the Adventurous Youth voice, and make sure your game audio is set to Japanese.
To stop using the mod, remove the file from that folder. Renaming it isn't enough.
It works in battle. But the voice preview in the CAS voice select screen does NOT work!
Voice clips from SC2, SC3, a few from SC4, and very few from Yuri Lowell from Tales of Vesperia (they share the same voice actor in Japanese).
No, adding his English voice isn't easy, because he had 2 voice actors in English instead of 1. Also, these 2 voice actors played few roles other than Yun-Seong, making it even more difficult to find voice clips.
Known Issues:
- Voice volume in this game follows intriguing rules that make some clips softer than others.
- Subtitles are unchanged, so they no longer match what your character says.
- Voice clips are re-used for multiple moves across all fighting styles. Sooner or later you'll find a line that cuts off or sounds inappropriate.