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About this mod

Archival of NosGothica's Bink Support mods as the site is now down. I found it on wayback machine but decided to upload here because the download speed sucks and it was hard to track this down. ALL CREDITS GO TO NOSGOTHICA! I AM UPLOADING THIS TO PRESERVE IT.

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Bink-support for SR1 (Video-Patch)This installer contains video-patch for remaking original game video (rpl-files) into bink-format (video-files were extracted from SR1-PS and SR1-PS2 and converted into bink), and also the new version ( of winplay.dll, which realizes bink-support in the game.The official and all unofficial patches for SR1 is already added.Bonuses:1. Booster's bink-player and converter bink to avi;2. fix for skipping movies only by Esc (it is needed for joypads);3. now cheat-code 16443 (early - 'Hurt Raziel') activates the main debug menu which also contains 'Fly Mode' - it is updated VampMaster's 'Swim Mode' (now you can swim/fly in the spectral realm and without Swim Ability).Instruction:1. install the game;2. copy the movies (the rpl files) from cd to the same directory as kain2.exe;(note: if you copy files from cd by using Explorer, you need to uncheck Read Only Mode for these files, - for that select all rpl-files in the game folder, Right Click on them and choose Properties. In the Properties window uncheck box for Read Only Attribute of files).3. download and run this patch, installing it into the folder you installed game;4. now you can play in SR1 without any problems with video.