- Refine results Found 102 results.
Expands character creation menu to allow girly things right from the beginning.
Changes puny "Sell" button into mighty "Sell All" one.
Skips the opening intros when you launch the game.
Unlocked probably everything in game.
Playstation 3 Controller Icons
Replaces the default XBox 360 button icons with Playstation 3 button icons.
- 41KB
- 101
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Playstation 3 Controller Icons
Replaces the default XBox 360 button icons with Playstation 3 button icons.
Turns the Xbox360 buttons into the PS4 DS4 buttons from the PS4 game
Changes Assassin costume into Kenneth costume.
Chinpokomon Friends Weapons and Clothes Achivements
Save files for those tough achievements. All the friends, clothes, weapons and chinpokomon for STEAM. You're welcome. MAY REQUIRE the DLCs as I have them when I made these files.
- 183KB
- 52
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Chinpokomon Friends Weapons and Clothes Achivements
Save files for those tough achievements. All the friends, clothes, weapons and chinpokomon for STEAM. You're welcome. MAY REQUIRE the DLCs as I have them when I made these files.
Easily unlock: Chinpokolypse, More Popular Than John Lennon, Clothes Whore, & Full Arsenal
- 175KB
- 50
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Easily unlock: Chinpokolypse, More Popular Than John Lennon, Clothes Whore, & Full Arsenal
Replaces the help option in the game with the developer console.
Replaces the help option in the game with the level loader.
South Park The Stick Of Truth Reddubed
Re-experience the classic south park experience with a new slice of voice acting. And new features.
- 3.6GB
- 38
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South Park The Stick Of Truth Reddubed
Re-experience the classic south park experience with a new slice of voice acting. And new features.
Face Hoff Two Girls One Stick Outpatient Achievements
Save file for Face-Hoff, Two Girls One Stick, and Outpatient Secret Achievements.
- 168KB
- 24
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Face Hoff Two Girls One Stick Outpatient Achievements
Save file for Face-Hoff, Two Girls One Stick, and Outpatient Secret Achievements.
Saddam Hussein instead of The Hoff
makes you look like saddam hussein
Cartman with Gandalf clothes that was found in the files by Roaming Berry.This mod works worked and fixed for the various animations through the game and a staff from Gandalf was added by myself.
- 1.7MB
- 15
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Cartman with Gandalf clothes that was found in the files by Roaming Berry.This mod works worked and fixed for the various animations through the game and a staff from Gandalf was added by myself.
This mod replaces Kenny's princess outfit with the unused default clothes from the files.
- 87KB
- 15
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This mod replaces Kenny's princess outfit with the unused default clothes from the files.
This mod replaces Butters' paladin costume into his normal clothing, likely a placeholder.
- 91KB
- 13
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This mod replaces Butters' paladin costume into his normal clothing, likely a placeholder.
Level 15 starter save max money
Made for myself sharing for anyone.
This mod makes the doctor outfit into the unused one.