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IKennyAgain's Revision of Blacklist Loadout Upgrade mod made by Santiago-Danbrother.

Update 2.5-S:
 - A standalone version of the mod. You dont need to install BLU 1.2 anymore, just drop the files in your fresh game directory. Also it is recommended to start a new game (all gear will be unlocked anyway). 
 - Added support for NDNT mod: you now have raw NDNT files (dogs and techs are included like in vanilla game) in your data/ModWaveConfigs folder. Change the waves how and when you want. 

Update 2.1: added proper No Goggles option in goggles menu. Use it for all suits (Sam, Merc or Spy) to prevent glitches.

Update 2.0:
- New VISION MODES system: vision modes is now a gadget wich you can equip, change and unequip right on the missions. Unequipping vision mode means that you will not have the vision option like in several SP missions (good for real "no goggles" option). Goggles are now serve just for visual presentation.
VISION MODES have five options: 
- Night Vision - night vision from multiplayer;
- Thermal Vision - heat signatures vision that allows you to track targets by footsteps;
- RFD Sonar - light blue sonar with good enemy distinguishing;
- Spy Sonar - standart spy sonar from multiplayer;
- Sound Tracker - black'n'white vision that allows you to track enemies by sound.
Other Tweaks:
- New flares for goggles was adjusted so they not hanging in air (spy goggles still have hanging flaress when equipped with Sam suits. It is inavitable unfortunatly. Just use merc goggles if you want no goggles option);
- Crosshair now visible when in cover (similar to MP);
- Spy Crossbow is removed; DLC Crossbow now have same stats as Spy Crossbow;
- EMP now infinite time of effect (9999 sec);
- Weapon tracers are now faster;
- If you see that gadgets are blank places in Gear menu - it is normal, just a workaround for starnge shaped "no texture" triangle of vision modes.

Whats new to BLU:

 - New sorted menus: now its easier to manage the loadouts for spy and merc suits;
 - New options for customisation spy and merc suits: since Pants option is not used by spy/merc suits, SP pants are tied to MP helmets. When equipped Sam torso - it is standart pants, when Spy or Merc torso - it is headgear options. All options are in description of gear;
 - New Goggles: 6 options for goggles - Base, Thermal, Sonar, EMF, RFD, Integarted optics (Spy sonar);
 - Goggles for Spy and Merc: goggles for spy and merc suits are now customisable and work somewhat identical to MP counterparts. All options are in description of gear. Colored lights are now working for spy goggles;
- Flares on goggles are now glowing instead of lenseflare;
- New weapon: Spy crossbow from MP. It is in secondary category, close to no gun option. Works like in MP;
- New attachment - Sniper Conversion Kit for DEagle. Lower mag ammo, but improves range and accuracy of a pistol;
- Updated weapons: AS-VAL, U100, HKMG4;
- Updated suits: spy/merc suits are now have their own stats (not depicted by armory strings tho); now you dont die from one bullet using them. Each suit have description of what it does (like lower explosive damage etc.);
- Updated gear: Whisper Boots now have higher sprint speed; MBS boots now have reduced bullets spread while moving;
- Applied fix for no weapons t-pose bug;
- All Sam's heads changed to high res models, for better no goggles option; 4E Eclipse, Raven and Nanofiber suits now have balaclavas; Revenant suit now have Kestrel head;
- Disabled gun pick up completly (except ballistic shield and weapons from starting mission);
- New camera: camera angle when aim is higher; crosshair in idle is disabled, it appears only when aim; FoV for Briggs mission is now 90;
- Mark and Exec tweaks: marking are now using lower degree cone for easier markings; execution is now works from last to first marked target.

To install just drop data and src folders into your game directory.