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About this mod

Artifacts display numerical values of effects in inventory UI, with a workaround fix for bad decimal rounding for radiation effects.

Permissions and credits
Strange Object Statistics 
A Sibling of SOS - Statistics of Substances.
Artifacts display effect numbers in UI. Verified to work with Game Patch 1.1.0
This is just a cfg tweak, you are free to do whatever you want with this file.

This file replaces ArtifactPrototypes.cfg
It also uses refkey to replace the ArtifactAddRadiation1, ArtifactAddRadiation3ArtifactProtectionRadiation1, & ArtifactProtectionRadiation31 effect structs.

UI Decimal Point Workaround
The vanilla game UI has inconsistent decimal rounding code, where 0.25 rounds down in UI to 0.2, while 0.15 rounds up to 0.2, and 0.1 rounds down to 0.0 
This is a problem for radiation and radiation protection effects, where the effect tiers are in a two decimal range. There are three tiers of radiation and radio-protection artifact effects: Tier 1 does 0.1; Tier 2 does 0.15; Tier 3 does 0.25. In the inventory UI, these values would display as 0.0, 0.2, and 0.2.
This defeats the point of the value display for these specifics.

In order to make them display correctly in the UI, I modified vanilla effects by 0.01 points with refkey replacement of vanilla effects struct. I modified tier 1 effects from 0.1->0.11, and tier 3 effects from 0.25->0.26. 
This means that Tier 1 radiation now displays as 0.1, Tier 2 radiation displays as 0.2, and Tier 3 radiation displays as 0.3.
The gameplay effect from this change should be negligible, albeit negligible is not a synonym for none.

My Mods
Roadside Panic - Hardcore A-Life
Pillhead - Substances of Stalker