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About this mod

3 non-playable races suffer from indiscriminate attacks caused by the crews that we recruit in our ships, we can not avoid that they attack them, and many times we ourselves shoot them without wanting it.

They are innocent races that are also already besieged by the local fauna, this mod wants to change "a little" that situation.

Permissions and credits
The 3 races that this mod modifies are:


These races are configured in the game (according to the code of each race) as enemies, it does not make much sense, none of those 3 races uses weapons, they do not know or they can not defend themselves because that's how they are made, the only thing they can do is "run for their life "when they are attacked.

They can be attacked by wildlife, player and NPCs, either enemies or NPCs of your crew, which you contract for your ship, all the main races of NPCs of the game can be attacked by enemy NPCs and wildlife, Avian, Novakids, Florans, etc. etc, but the player or the crew can not hurt them, unless you provoke the anger of these people by stealing their things xD.

Even many times, we ourselves (the player), even if we do not want to, unintentionally shoot at these races because while they flee, they put themselves in the middle and receive fire indirectly.

So, what does this mod do?

This mod modifies the type of NPC of these 3 races so that it is the same as the rest of the main races, that means that:

1 - The player can no longer attack them -> Poor, they are harmless...

2 - Your crew can not attack them -> The crew usually attacks these races, they do not always attack them, usually when there are enemies nearby, be they NPCs or local fauna, the crew defends themselves, when this happens, "they continue attacking any of the 3 races that are close at that time, "this is because those 3 races are configured as enemies, not as friends, which is what they really are.

The rest of the behavior of these 3 races in front of the game is the same as by default, the enemies NPCs will continue attacking them, the fauna will continue attacking it, etc.

No more deaths of innocents! at least, not because of our fault xD


This mod should be compatible with almost everything, it will not be compatible (Or partial compatibility, depending on what is modified in the file, the mod that also edits it) with mods that modify the following files:
