• CloseWithKey: Whether or not the menu should be closed when pressing the menu key (E/Escape)
  • GiveModifier: A modifier key. When held, clicking an item in the menu will give it to the player as an item.
  • FavoriteModifier: A modifier key. When held, clicking an item in the menu will favorite/unfavorite it.
  • ExtendedCategories: Whether to use the extended filter tabs, or the default filter tabs. The extended tabs separate furniture into smaller categories to make them easier to browse.
  • FurnitureTooltips: Whether or not to display item tooltips for furniture and objects in the menu.
  • PauseTime: Whether or not to pause time while the menu is open. (Only works in singleplayer.)
  • ReplaceFurnitureCatalog: Whether the custom menu should be displayed for the furniture catalogue.
  • ReplaceWallpaperCatalog: Whether the custom menu should be displayed for the wallpaper catalogue.
  • ReplaceRareCatalogs: Whether the custom menu should be displayed for rare catalogues and custom mod catalogues.
  • ToggleShortcut: A shortcut key. When pressed, temporarily hides/unhides the currently open catalogue menu. Unbound by default.
  • AlwaysLockScroll: If enabled, the menu will always capture scroll wheel input while it is open. If disabled, it will only capture scroll wheel input when the cursor is hovering over the menu.
  • ClientMode: If enabled, will disable all content additions from the mod, allowing it to be safely used on multiplayer servers that don't have it installed. Cannot be changed while a world is open.
  • EarlyDeluxe: If enabled, the contents of all rare catalogues will also be available in the standard combined catalogue (IE. a happy home catalogue, or the wallpaper catalogue stacked on the furniture catalogue.)
  • LargeVariants: If enabled, increases the height of the variant panel. May overlap some HUD elements.
  • OpenMenu: A shortcut key. When pressed, opens the menu with the inventory of all catalogues. Unbound by default.
  • UiSkin: Which recolor to use. Supported values are "Auto", "Default", "Maraluna.OvergrownFloweryInterface", or "ManaKirel.VintageInterface2". "Auto" will automatically change it based on currently installed mods.
  • EasierTrashCatalogue: In addition to the normal method of obtaining it, the trash catalogue is also added to krobus's shop for 1000g after reaching 6 hearts with krobus.
  • Magnify: Whether or not to enable the magnifier tooltip. This tooltip shows a larger version of the currently hovered item, so details are more visible on large objects.
  • MagnifyScale: Size multiplier for the magnifier. 2.0 is the default, meaning it is displayed twice as large as normal.
  • GMCMButton: Whether or not the settings button should show up in the catalogue UI.
  • QuickDelete: Shortcut key to delete held item while the catalogue is open.

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