Stardew Valley
New Expansion Mod - Glimmering Dawn Serenity

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We are currently working on a new expansion mod.
GDS will add new locations, 13 NPCs +α, new quest lines, new items, new monsters and more.
We do not have a release date yet, but we are currently working hard on an alpha release.

This is our Discord server.
I am gradually posting my current progress and portraits of other characters.

Here is a brief introduction to the characters and locations.


Ash Wintermuir
 ▶ He is an apprentice craftsman working in a violin workshop. A hardworking and sociable young man, he moved to this village from Zuzu City to learn the art of violin making from his grandfather.

Lawrence Wintermuir
 ▶ He is a famous violin maker with an isolated workshop in the forest and is Ash's grandfather. He used to be a skilled violin maker in a famous workshop in Zuzu City, but due to some troubles, he hid himself in the solitary forest. His violins are known for their beautiful tone and high quality, and no two instruments produced by his hands are alike.

Dante Thornwood

 ▶ An adventurer who developed a talent for archery at a young age. His family is descended from ancient archers and he lives in the woods, keeping the tradition alive. He is an excellent archer, with keen observation and quick reflexes. He is also skilled in the art of survival in nature, with the ability to adapt to fighting and living in a variety of environments.

Maya Barrett

 ▶ Maya is a fledgling adventurer. With a father who is a famous adventurer, she has been an aspiring adventurer since she was a child. She sailed on boats and traveled the world. She grew up enthralled by such lyrical family adventure stories. As a result, her personality is active, curious, cheerful, and lively woman who is not afraid of things. However, her shallow sense of humor would later greatly influence her destiny.

Silvia Hawthorne

 ▶ She is a Witch who lives deep in the Tranquility Forest. She is able to communicate with plants and animals, and her magic is used only for her beloved forest and that child whom she has allowed into her heart. She has existed long before there were people, and has lived alone for eons.

Priscilla Evans

 ▶ Priscilla Evans has an air of elegance and refinement, and is intelligent and sophisticated. She grows many plants in her sunny garden and is soft-spoken to all people. She is a friendly, smiling old woman with a bit of mischievousness. She loves to serve her home-cooked meals to the villagers and to take care of the plants. She is truly "The Gentle Grandmother" and is closely related to a certain character. 

Garrett Bergman

 ▶ Garrett is a lumberjack who lives in a tranquil Woodland. He is a big-hearted man who is generous and bold, and doesn't care about a few things. However, not only is he naturally good-natured, but his gaze also has the insight to detect the minute emotions that accumulate deep within the other person's heart. His excellent insight allows him to see through the truth hidden behind words and get close to the inner feelings of others. He is like a key that quietly breaks down the walls of the heart and unlocks the hearts of others.

Chloe Wells

 ▶ Chloe is the most beautiful and fashionable woman in the village. However, due to her profession, she is well versed in pharmacology and has a deep insight and understanding of the subject. She also has a sense of humor and is a talented and talented woman. However, behind her smile, there is a seriousness and thoughtfulness. The potions she makes are naturally of high quality. 

Xin Li

 ▶ Xin Li has a bright and cheerful personality and excellent communication skills. He is good at sales talks and is a repeat customer. He is a pragmatist and will only do work that is worth the price. While he likes business and likes to make money, he is not a defensive person. He does not change his attitude from person to person and is not afraid to deal with the big shot. 

Lydia Shepherd

 ▶ Lydia is the daughter of a dairy farmer in Willowbrook. Her routine consists of tending to her livestock during the day and stargazing at night. And she has a strong will to work hard to make her dreams and goals come true.

Alberto Shepherd

 ▶ Alberto is the mainstay of the family, devoted husband and child-oriented person. He has a generous nature, learning a lot from his mistakes and forgiving most things as long as they don't bother others, sometimes even failing with them. He fell in love with Julia at first sight, and after a passionate approach, they even ended up marrying her. However, he actually has a past of failing spectacularly when proposing to her. 

Julia Shepherd

 ▶ Julia is a loving and family oriented woman. She treats her children with the same respect and sometimes the three of them go shopping together as a family. She is confident, brave, independent, and tenacious, not giving in to unreasonableness. Julia stands with dignity and never lies or bluffs. She married her husband Alberto because of his passion and perseverance, and she loves to watch his ever-changing countenance, even though she is appalled by his hundred face. She and Alberto are still very much in love and weekend dates are a must.

Luca Shepherd
 ▶ Luca is the son of a dairy farmer who lives in Willowbrook. He is an innocent man who is looking for new adventures and fun. Because of this, he often causes trouble for his old sister Lydia and his family. However, the way he energetically runs around the fields is like a light that gives hope and vitality to those around him. He is family-oriented and has a particularly good relationship with Lydia. While Lydia takes care of Luka, He also admires her older sister and wants to protect her in him childish heart.


 ▶ Nocturne is a spirit of the night and a mystical being. He has an elegant and mysterious appearance, a deep knowledge of music, and a good-natured personality. Deep in the forest he plays ancient instruments and fills the forest with his beautiful sounds. He seeks to fill the world with beautiful sounds while preserving the knowledge and traditions of ancient music. 

 An extra 

Goose (Name undecided)
 ▶ Cute goose. It carries a letter from a certain person.

Golem (Name undecided)
 ▶ They are in the forests of Sylvia, where they nest and play with small animals.

Monsters (Name undecided)
 ▶ A monster that feeds on negative emotions such as hatred and sadness, and looks like it has the mask of a corpse.



 ▶ A quiet and beautiful village surrounded by nature with a stream running through it. There is a violin workshop, a lake, NPC houses, and a ranch.

Tranquil Woodland
 ▶ A peaceful and tranquil forest. Many animals also live here. There are large trees where Sylvia makes her home and a sacred lake.

Oblivion Forest
 ▶ A dark and eerie forest where sadness and hatred stagnate. People and animals stopped coming around, and gradually they were forgotten. There are ruins and graveyards, and terrible monsters live there.

For Japanese. ↓



チームメンバーと一緒にあなたからのご連絡をお待ちしています :)




+ キャラクター +

▶ 彼はバイオリン工房で働く見習い職人。 勤勉で社交的な青年である彼は、祖父からヴァイオリン製作の技術を学ぶためにズズシティからこの村に移住してきた。

▶彼は森の中に孤立した工房を持つ有名なバイオリン職人で、アッシュの祖父。 ズズシティの有名工房で腕利きのバイオリン職人だったが、あるトラブルから人里離れた森に身を隠していた。 彼のバイオリンは美しい音色と品質の高さで知られており、彼の手から生み出される楽器は一つとして同じものはない。

▶幼い頃に弓の才能を開花させた冒険家。 彼の家族は古代アーチャーの子孫であり、代々伝わる伝統を守りながらやすらぎの森に住んでいる。 彼は優れた射手であり、鋭い観察力と素早い反射神経を備えている。また、自然の中での生存術にも熟練しており、さまざまな環境での戦いや生活に適応する能力を備えている。

▶マヤは駆け出しの冒険者。高名な冒険家の父を持ち、幼い頃から冒険家に憧れていた。彼女はボートに乗り、世界中を旅しました。彼女はそのような叙情的な家族の冒険物語に魅了されて育った。 そのため、性格は活発で好奇心旺盛、明るく元気で物怖じしない女性だ。しかし、時折見せる彼女の浅はかなユーモアさが、後に彼女の運命に大きな影響を与えることになる。



▶ギャレットは、やすらぎの森に住む木こり。彼は寛大で大胆で、多少のことは気にしない心の広い男。しかし、ただ根っからのお人好しなだけではなく、その視線には相手の心の奥に溜まる微細な感情を見抜く洞察力も備わっている。洞察力に優れ、言葉の裏に隠された真実を見抜き、相手の内面に寄り添うことができる。 彼は心の壁を静かに打ち破り、他人の心の扉を開く鍵のような存在。

▶クロエは村で一番美しくてファッショナブルな女性。しかし、彼女は職業柄、薬学に精通しており、この主題について深い洞察力と理解を持っている。ユーモアのセンスもあり、才色兼備な女性だ。しかし、その笑顔の裏には真剣さと思いやりがあります。 彼女が作るポーションは当然ながら高品質である。

▶シン・リーは明るく陽気な性格で、優れたコミュニケーション能力を持っている。 営業トークも上手でリピーターも多い。 彼は現実主義者であり、価格に見合った仕事しかしない。彼はビジネスが好きでお金を稼ぐのが好きだが、守銭奴ではない。 彼は人によって態度を変えず、大物に対しても臆さない。


▶アルベルトは家族の大黒柱であり、献身的な夫であり、子供想いの人物。 彼は寛大な性格で、自分の失敗から多くを学び、他人に迷惑をかけない限りほとんどのことを許し、時には一緒に失敗してくれることさえある。ジュリアに一目惚れし、熱烈なアプローチの末、結婚までこぎつけた。しかし実は彼は彼女へのプロポーズに見事に失敗した過去を持っていた。




+ おまけ +

▶ かわいいガチョウ。とある人物からの手紙を運んでくることも。

▶ 彼らはシルビアの森にいて、そこで巣を作り、小動物と遊んでいる。

▶ 憎しみや悲しみなどの負の感情を糧とする、屍の仮面をかぶったような姿をした怪物。


+ ロケーション +






  1. Kymeria
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Oh, that makes me want ** If I succeed, do you think I could try to translate into French later?
    1. Thukino
      • premium
      • 21 kudos
      of course! Please translate this mod when it's complete :)
  2. TheSunnySide
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    Wah :DDDD So excited for this! I love expansion mods and these characters look so cool!
    1. Thukino
      • premium
      • 21 kudos
      thank you. I'm working hard on this, so please look forward to it!
  3. panpixiepixels
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    oh my gosh this looks amazing!! i love them already <3
    1. Thukino
      • premium
      • 21 kudos
      Thank you. I'm glad to hear those words.
  4. blueberryparadise
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Sounds incredible! I hope it will be compatible with SVE and Ridgeside.
    Good luck <3
    1. Thukino
      • premium
      • 21 kudos
      Thank you.
  5. DMKMax1998
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Will this be compatible with other extension mods, like SV expanded ?
    1. Thukino
      • premium
      • 21 kudos
      Personally, I'd like to see compatibility in the future, but I'm not sure yet.
  6. maddogofblank
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    This looks and sounds wonderful! I can't wait to see what adventures unfold with these NPCs and new locations! <3
    1. Thukino
      • premium
      • 21 kudos
      thank you! I will do my best to produce it :)
  7. twinkle22
    • premium
    • 98 kudos
    This looks amazing, I especially like the sound of silvia and goose. :D
    1. Thukino
      • premium
      • 21 kudos
      I'm glad you found this! Sylvia and goose are one of my favorite characters too.
  8. Nom0ri
    • premium
    • 46 kudos
    More magic in the valley? Sign me up! 
    1. Thukino
      • premium
      • 21 kudos
      Look forward to the new magic in the valley :)
  9. bagibagriela
    • premium
    • 21 kudos
    This looks incredible!!! Already love these characters
    1. Thukino
      • premium
      • 21 kudos
      I'm glad to hear that you find it incredible and are already enjoying the characters!