Hogwarts Expansion - Hogsmeade Village

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Hogsmeade Village
Although not 100% complete, this is our Hogsmeade Village map design so far. With credits to BeneathThePlassfirekuwon, we have shorter building exteriors that better accommodates the new map. Furthermore, credits to 7KanaSharogg, and Saah for detailing of the water, waterfalls, cliffs, bushes, and assets placed in the village. This may be difficult to spot, but there are nifflers at the top hiding at in their den, and dugbogs at the bottom-right thanks to creature spritesheets of OtterlyAdorable. At last, credits to DomTSVG for the floo flame tilesheet, which those structures allow players to access various locations more easily. 

Updates from the expansion project: 
Extensive maps are close to being completely mapped out. Near future plans include furnishing castle interior maps, designing small interior maps such as common rooms and shops, and reorganizing our item system. We have written 99% of the story, and have begun planning NPC and cutscene coding. MindMeltMax has been working on updating aedenthorn's Dynamic Map Tiles for Stardew Valley v1.6.14, which the magical school is reliant on for its capabilities. Although the new framework is looking good, Max is on a hiatus, and we are looking for another programmer that can refine the framework. We hope to release the expansion mod when the Harry Potter HBO show premieres. 

Position Openings: 

  • C# Programmer 
  • Potions system designer / object data support 
  • Small interior map designer (common rooms, shops; excluding tilesheet design) 
  • Monster/FTM data support 
  • Creature data support 

Hogwarts Expansion Community Discord server invite link: https://discord.gg/gJKRfurg5M