Stardew Valley
Mod news and a important announcement

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About this image

Heya guys, so this is a real quick drawing that I made for the new Welwick that will come to the mod, and to talk about something serious.

As some people may know, I take care of the mod all alone, with Undare helping me with the sprites but ends here. I'm passing through a rough time here and some serious medical issues. No it isn't Covid-19 is just something to me to take care off. The mod will be out of updates for some time idk how long, but will be. And if you have any skill that can help me with anything in this mod PLEASE CONTACT ME, I NEED HELP. I'm leaving this message here and hope that someone reads it.


  1. TheUnknownMutant
    • member
    • 19 kudos
    I hope you can find someone to help you, maybe Lemurkat or one of the other nice mods can help you with your character <3
    get well soon and take care of yourself first, your health is the most important <3
    1. lemurkat
      • premium
      • 422 kudos
      Aww thanks for calling me a nice mod :)

      And please do look after yourself Andril. I don't have a lot of time on my hands since I'm skipping between about a half dozen mods of my own, but I will endvour to help you with yours (if you can give me clear and straightfoward instructions!). Jasper will keep an eye on Charlie for you, and Eloise will look after Randy.
    2. TheUnknownMutant
      • member
      • 19 kudos
      because you are a very nice mod, Lemurkat :D
    3. TheUnknownMutant
      • member
      • 19 kudos
      sorry, double post.