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About this mod

Allows you to pick up your pet, and move them somewhere else on the farm.

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  • Portuguese

This mod lets you pick up your pet, move them somewhere else, and put them back down. That's it.

1.2.0: Now instead of needing to click on your pet with the carry key held down to drop them, you simply have to press the key. No clicking involved, so dropping tiny animals should be completely fool-proof.
1.1.0: Now you can carry farm animals, and the player actually holds the animal/pet above their head!
1.0.0: The mod exists!

  • Hold to grab pet: Left shift

Just hold that hotkey, and interact with your pet or farm animal (the same control you use to pet them). Then just hold the hotkey again, and interact with them again to put them back down.

If you want to contribute translations, first of all, thank you! However you want to get the translations to me is fine, whether it be via a PR on GitHub, or just sending me a DM here, pinging me on the Stardew Valley Discord, whatever is best for you.

Source on GitHub: https://github.com/DecidedlyHuman/StardewValleyMods
Bugs/issues on GitHub: https://github.com/DecidedlyHuman/StardewValleyMods/issues