This mod adds a new, fully-custom and dateable NPC named Sydney. This mod also adds a new home to Pelican Town's beach for her to live in; as well as brand new heart events, dialogue and more!
Permissions: -- DM me for approval on anything that changes/uses this mod. I promise I don't bite! I just like to stay on top of things.
Other user's assetsAll the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources
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Author notes
If you're a mod author who needs to get in touch with me, your best bet is to DM me here on Nexus.
File credits
This author has not credited anyone else in this file
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Updated Sydney's sprite sheets with new and improved sprites.
Fixed a visual bug involving the ground near Sydney's house.
Version 1.0.9
Fixed an issue preventing event 4, 8, 10 triggers.
Updated Sydney's flower dance sprite to wear the flower dance dress during the pre-event.
Changed spring_23 dialogue to reflect her entry back into the event.
Version 1.0.8
Changed the internal ID for Sydney, which fixed various issues.
Added Sydney back to the Flower Dance.
Fixed an issue preventing Sydney from walking back into her house after leaving it.
Fixed various erroneous map properties.
Adjusted her angry portrait.
Version 1.0.7
Fixed a visual bug affecting Sydney's house while using Daisy Niko's Earthy Recolour
Version 1.0.6
Fixed various dialogue errors within the i18n file.
Version 1.0.5
Fixed an issue that would cause parts of the beach map to not load in properly.
Version 1.0.4
Fixed two errors in the movie script.
Removed Sydney from the Flower Dance due to a temporarily unfixable bug.
Changed Sydney's spring_23 dialogue to reflect the above change.
Removed various update commands on various patches to speed the mod up and reduce lag for users.
Fixed Sydney's bed map layering.
Included an internal text file with character info.
Removed an erroneous value in the character dispositions patch.
Adjusted various textures on Sydney's house.
Removed two superfluous tilesets from the z_beach.tmx file.
Raised seasonal change inclusion priority within the content.json file.
Adjusted Sydney's portraits.
Version 1.0.3
Adjusted various schedule locations to better help with compatibility.
FIxed an issue that would cause Heart Event 4 to not load.
Fixed an issue in multiplayer preventing players from leaving their farmhouse while married to Sydney.
Fixed visual bugs related to the water around Sydney's house.
Removed an unnecessary requirement for Heart Event 4.
Removed an unnecessary requirement for Heart Event 8.
Version 1.0.2
Extended the walkable area around Sydney's house.
Fixed a light property for the Night Market event.
Fixed an issue that would cut off a portion of Pierre's shop during the Moonlight Jellies event for vanilla players.
Version 1.0.1
Fixed a crash that would occur while loading into the Night Market.
Say hello to Sydney, the newest resident of Pelican Town!
A marine biologist with a passion for science and environmentalism, she lives on the western shore of Pelican Town's beach. Having moved from her hometown, she's arrived to help assist Demetrius with his research into the Valley's local wildlife.
Kind, empathetic, and dutiful, Sydney's determined to make the Valley a better place for everyone--human, or otherwise. However... despite the smiles, and behind the well-wishes, a deep melancholy also follows her. Who is she really?
Basic Info -- Sydney is transgender, and uses She/Her pronouns
-- 4 Hearts: Enter Sydney's House after receiving a letter in the mail upon reaching 4 hearts.
-- 6 Hearts: 8:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m. | Mountain
-- 8 Hearts: 11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. After receiving a letter in the mail. | Mountain
-- 10 Hearts: Upon reaching 10 hearts you'll receive a letter in the mail telling you where to go.
Trigger Warnings
-- Transphobic remarks made toward Sydney
-- Drowning
-- Death of family
Sydney is fully compatible with SVE. And should only be incompatible with mods that change the Beach map; more specifically the western side of the Beach located below the Beach's shortcut. If you encounter any compatibility issues please report them, as I can't play-test every mod combination out there.
RSV is mostly compatible, however certain characters will be staring at Sydney's house awkwardly during the Moonlight Jellies event.
Festival NPC positions may be a source of mod conflicts as well, I've tried to be diligent with my placements, but something may have slipped through the net.
This mod is natively compatible with DaisyNiko's Eearthy Recolour. It detects if you have it installed and patches certain files accordingly.
Bug fixes will always take priority over content additions; and player feedback will always be accounted for in future updates. However, there are some things that have already been planned, here are just a few:
Despite being a solo project, the creation of this mod would not have been possible without the help of the SDV Modding Community; whose guidance and assistance proved invaluable during multiple phases of development.
If you enjoy my work consider endorsing this mod. It may seem small, but it helps get the content you enjoy in front of the eyes of other people, and greatly helps me in the process.