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About this mod

Mostly buffs the sell prices of underpowered items.

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tl;dr: Install this mod for fair price balancing you will hardly even notice, except that everything is balanced now and has a purpose.


In this mod, I take a "bring up the weak ones" approach to price balancing.

Aside from Community Center bundles and Perfection, the Coop as a whole, Crab Pots, most crops in the entire game, gems and minerals, and most cooked items, have almost no purpose if you are trying to optimize. This mod heavily buffs these things to the point they compete with the presently best options.

Effort is considered in these buffs. A trellis crop or a one-time crop is harder to work with than a non-trellis, regrowing crop. Cooking with ingredients made in different seasons and sometimes including fish takes time and effort. Additional multipliers were placed for effort required.

The beginning and endgame loops were not touched. Parsnips and Potatoes have the same price, as do Ancient Fruit and Truffles.

For a breakdown of what was buffed, I have a list below, however you may be best off just downloading the mod and looking at the file, which is commented. All assumptions are made with optimal calculations/professions/relationship.


Vegetables in general, rather than having their base price buffed, have had their cooked item prices buffed. Every vegetable should have a recipe that allows you to grow it with the intent to cook for good profits. Fruits, I wasn't as worried about, because they make Wine, so most fruit recipes are not touched. Most recipes that give a good buff weren't touched either.

is the first recipe that you can really mass produce. While Cheese Cauliflower and other recipes end up having a similar profit, you won't even have a kitchen to cook with when your first Cauliflower crop comes out, let alone Cheese Presses. However, a cooking focus can begin in the Summer, especially with how easy the Pizza recipe is to get (just buy it from the Saloon).

and Pumpkins were buffed, since they are one-time crops. Pumpkins remain being worth more than Melons, to allow for the year 1 gameplay loop to play out. Another factor that balances Pumpkins having higher sell price than Melons is that Pumpkins cannot make Wine. Year 1, Blueberries/Cranberries remain better than Melons/Pumpkins if you are Jarring them without Deluxe Speed Gro, while Melons/Pumpkins are now better than Blueberries/Cranberries if you do use Deluxe Speed Gro, instead of equal.

Pumpkin Soup/Pumpkin Pie are particularly notable options. Aside from the Milk, getting the recipes require either 7 Hearts with Robin or watching the Queen of Sauce in late Winter. If you plan out year 1 by giving Robin lavish gifts and buying an early Barn from her, you can create a Pumpkin product worth just slightly less than Jelly (if you subtract the cost of other ingredients), but without needing any Preserves Jars at all. I felt this was a nice culmination of the theory behind this mod, rewarding good planning, effort, and investment, at the end of the harvest year.

Finally, the prices of Sugar, Rice, and Green Tea were also significantly increased to enable Beets, Rice, and Tea Leaves as viable farm options. The output quantity of Rice to Vinegar in a Keg was increased accordingly.

The best vanilla crops at the early/mid game stages - Strawberries, Blueberries, Cranberries - were not touched. Rather, the above mentioned crops were balanced to compete with these crops.

All tree fruits were made to sell for 300g. They are functionally identical, so I never understood why they were priced differently (and so low). Sure, by the fourth year of growing, a full tree fruit farm would be incredibly high profit and low maintenance but, that is a long time to wait. Alternatively, if you put a fruit tree every other tile of what will later be your Ancient Fruit Farm in Ginger Island, you would be getting tree fruit worth 210g less than an Ancient Fruit Wine in the same time span (7 days). I have no problem with this, it requires initial effort, and saves Kegs later. Could be a playstyle.

Barn Animals

Pigs - I reckoned that they make about 2000g per day. This is considering 2.5 Truffles per Pig per day, for 75% of the year, then rounding down to 2,000 to account for rain days. This is selling the Truffles without making Oil, because I didn't want to highball the buffs to follow even more. Truffles/Truffle Oil were unchanged.

Sheep - Cloth should also profit you, with Shepherd and chance for double included, about 2000g per day. You have to make Wool into Cloth to get this number, because the base price of Wool was not increased much. Not having Artisan as a profession is a huge tradeoff, so those with Sheep pretty much have to specialize in it.

Goat - Goat milk, after processing, should profit you about 1000g per day. It requires 1/4 of the machines of Truffle Oil or Wool, and allows you to use Artisan profession, as well as Cask them to higher quality if you like. It is less profitable and more passive than Pigs or Sheep. A goat herder should do fine.

Ostrich - Egg price was massively buffed without touching base Mayo. If you just sell the weekly egg you get, you should make on average about 820g per day. The most passive and least profitable barn animal. Except for...

Cow - Vanilla price of Milk and Cheese were not touched. This was both to facilitate the vanilla gameplay loop, and because Cow Milk/Cheese are already the best for cooking recipes and food (for health/energy restoration), giving them a niche.

Coop Animals

Duck - With Artisan, they should make an average of about 880g per day. Both their Mayo and Duck Feather sell prices were massively increased. If you're very lucky, you could easily make more than this, because the Duck Feathers in particular are worth a lot. In a way, they are a gambler's animal, with a still solid base profit. While the top end of the Coop remains less than the Barn, it is not by such a wide margin. Everything, of course, costs less to start up in the Coop, and it has a smaller footprint on the farm. You could say in a way, that the Coop caps out at these slightly weaker, yet prettier, Goats.

- The Cloth price increase helps them, and I also increased the price of Rabbits Foot. They should make about 750g per day if you sold everything, which is not bad at all, despite not being the best money makers. However, personally I have a barn full of them to get easy loved gifts in Rabbits Foot, and sporadic Cloth for personal use of making clothes rather than selling. They are a great utility animal that can make money if you get extra.

Dinosaur - Mayo price was massively increased, they will make exactly 660g per day. The Ostrich of the Coop.

Chicken - Vanilla price of Eggs and Mayo were not touched. The Cow of the Coop.

Void Chicken - Halfway between a Dinosaur and a Chicken. You get the benefit of daily Eggs for recipes, but their base eggs also sell for an average of about 500g. They are strictly better than regular chickens for profit in this mod, which I didn't see any easy way to get around. The price of Void Mayo was not touched, so it should only be made for cooking/quests/etc.

Gold Chicken - I didn't touch them. Mostly just an irrelevant fun thing you get when money no longer matters.

Crab Pots

Like vegetables, Crab Pot fish have had their recipes buffed, instead of their base price.


The toughest/rarest/special fish are worth the same as Lava Eel, making some competitors for fish ponds, and making various fishing zones more exciting, without touching early game.

Here are the fish affected: Octopus, Squid, Woodskip, Void Salmon, Stingray, Lingcod, Scorpion Carp, Midnight Squid*, Spook Fish*, Slimejack, Super Cucumber

Plus, Caviar was buffed to the same price as Aged Lava Eel Roe. This means that if you ONLY want money from your fish ponds, Sturgeon is the best fish, because they don't produce any other items that can replace the Roe. Despite this, all of the above are options for their various drops and fish pond colors.

*These are only buffed to the same as Blobfish, making the Submarine ride worth going to still after Year 1, but not quite as OP in Year 1


Just about every mineral has had its sell price increased 3x, to make a mining focus more lucrative.

Diamonds had their price and duplication time doubled so that foraged/mined Diamonds have more impact. Crystalarium timings for non-Diamond minerals were increased so that they are not better than Diamonds for duplicating.

Star Shards and Fairy Stones are roughly equal to Diamonds in terms of profit for duplication, so you can use one of those for endgame profit if you prefer instead. Diamonds remain generally better due to their gifting potential.

Utility minerals like Jade and Quartz have similar Crystalarium times and prices to vanilla.

What this means is that you will notice the effects of these buffs mostly after a long trip in the Mines/Skull Cavern/Volcano. I haven't done the exact math, but if you bring back 50 Omni Geodes from a good Skull Caverns trip, and they are worth 800g on a mineral pop, and you get a mineral half the time, that would be 20,000g, plus whatever gems you found out of the rocks/on the ground.


Tulips and Summer Spangles have been buffed to the same sell price as Fairy Roses, which means their honey sells for the same amount. Their seed price and growth time are also the same, making them essentially identical, giving more options for a later on flower farm.

Blue Jazz and Poppies now have a growth time of 3 days, making them ideal for planting at the start of the season, so that your first Bee House generates Flower Honey. You can plant them alongside your power flowers so that you're getting a higher price for your Honey during the first half of the month, which then turns to an even higher price when the latter grow in. Blue Jazz is also used in Lucky Lunch, and Poppies are a loved gift for the best marriage candidate in the game, so even when you gain access to Ginger Island, you may find some use from these flowers.

Mead's price was doubled to 400g. Not only does this give you an alternative of making Mead during the first half of the month instead of planting the fast-growing flowers, it also makes visiting the Pirate Cove more worth your while!

Sunflowers are somewhere in between the fast and slow growing flowers, with the advantage of lasting through two seasons. Additionally, their seeds now sell for a good amount, so they can be farmed as well.

To compensate for Fairy Rose's loss of uniqueness in Honey-making, the Fairy Dust recipe now creates 10 of them at a time (keep in mind, you don't get access to the Recipe until you're far into Ginger Island, and that Diamonds in this mod are worth 1,500g by themselves). In my mind, I can imagine the public may use it as a bath bomb/perfume/sort of thing. A Diamond/Fairy Rose-focused farm has a cool aesthetic to it, and it's now endgame viable.


The sell price of resins was significantly increased. Maybe you want to go Tapper profession and make a full tree farm? I won't judge you. For the space, they are still worse than Diamond Crystalariums, because they require less materials to get going.

Community Center/Joja Completion Scaling Option

There is a config option which is enabled by default for almost all early- or mid-game items mentioned here to have their sell price (mostly) doubled after completing the Community Center (also works with Joja route). Since early- and mid-game stuff was largely designed to compete with Strawberries/Blueberries for roughly half the profit of Ancient Fruit, after completing the Community Center, you are free to use these options in place of Ancient Fruit.

The best crops at lategame - Ancient Fruit, Star Fruit, Hops - are still the best ultra lategame options, but you shouldn't feel as forced to use them.

As far as crops that become able to compete with the late game powerhouses:

Pineapple was buffed to sell for 530g vs Ancient Fruit's 550g, making it a competitor which is slightly easier to get started and possibly a change of pace for some people.
Strawberries/Grapes grow faster than Ancient Fruit/Pineapple and therefore require more picking and more kegs, but their wine will get you slightly more profit for your effort spent.
Blueberries drop 6-9 per plant instead of just 3, making their profit comparable to Strawberries, but you can use Jelly instead of Wine, if that's your thing, as Blueberry Jelly and Wine sell for the same amount, but the Jelly is produced faster.

Salmon Dinner requires Kale and Amaranth which are quick growing, one-time crops from 2 different seasons, as well as catching or farming the specific fish, Salmon.
Fish Taco requires two different crops, one of which can only be found starting in Year 2, in addition to a specific fish, AND an artisan animal product.
Complete Breakfast requires 3 cooked items prior to it, and for the best profit, making your own Flour and Oil.
These three recipes in particular were buffed more than any others. For the medium-high effort farmer - I consider these competitors for Hops.

Pumpkin Soup/Pie, Cheese Cauliflower, Pink Cake, Radish Salad, Red Plate, Autumn's Bounty, Glazed Yams, Pizza, Eggplant Parmesan, Squid Ink Ravioli, Spaghetti, Bean Hotpot, Stir Fry, Super Meal, Maki Roll, Poi, Mango Sticky Rice, Banana Pudding, and all of the crab pot recipes were the other cooked items buffed, many of whose ingredients compete with Starfruit in the late game as a one-time crop.

The cooked items require NO kegs or casks at all, which is a huge time and money savings. Artisan is not necessary for cooked items, so an endgame involving them opens up the Agriculturist profession as a viable option!

Sugar, Green Tea, Mead, Sunflowers/Sunflower Seeds, and Resins all join Ancient Fruit/Starfruit/Hops/Tree Fruit/Crystalariums/Honey/Fairy Dust and the above mentioned items as lategame competitors, giving you a massive amount of options for the theme and aesthetics of your farm, while still making enough money to work toward your Gold Clock. For those who like the vanilla Ancient Fruit, Starfruit, or Hops, they also remain options and are mostly an aesthetic choice. Ancient Fruit is still the top end of profits for a "lazy" farmer if you just want to sit and let your Gold Clock come to you, that is its niche.

In terms of crops/sellables that become mostly outclassed except for perfection, we are left with basically just... Rhubarb. Sure, I could buff Rhubarb Pie. But I haven't at this time. So there's its niche. It is the only useless crop in the game.

In terms of thematics, this option can represent the junimos blessing your harvest after completing the Community Center, granting your crops increased size and flavor, which in turn sell for a higher price. For Joja, perhaps they sprayed your farm with pesticides for you, so your crops could grow bigger.

Gems Scaling Option

With this option, Gems also receive a buff on CC completion, both to keep up with mining trips feeling lucrative, and to make it exciting to find a Gem Bird on Ginger Island. Rubies, Aquamarines, Emeralds, Amethysts, and Topazes become worth 1500 just like Diamonds are. So they are all equal for Crystalariums, but given how common the others are, on average you will get a decent profit boost when caving.

I have added Lemon Stone to this list in case anyone wanted to make a treat farm for their favorite Dwarf, but didn't want to buff Geodes much further prior to CC completion. This also adds to the thematics of the junimos blessing the "crops" of the "land" of a different type.

Forage Scaling Option

With this option, foraged items also receive a massive buff, this time after helping the Trash Bear. This makes helping Trash Bear have a use beyond cosmetics, and make Bear's Knowledge/Spring Onion Mastery/the Mushroom Cave/Mushroom tree tappers have more of a use in lategame. All foraged items will thereafter sell for 300g, except Nautilus Shells/Morels/Chanterelles which will sell for 600g, Rainbow Shells/Purple Mushrooms/Magma Caps for 900g, and Blackberries/Salmonberries/Common Mushrooms/Spring Onions/Ginger for 150g. Grapes are untouched as they already are balanced around being grown.

Reduce Joja Prices Option

In the vanilla game, Joja Mart charges 25% more than Pierre's for the same seeds. This is contrary to cutscenes and dialogues saying that Joja is undercutting Pierre's prices.

With this option turned on, Joja Mart instead charges 10% less than Pierre's without a membership, and 20% less with a membership.

This is mostly a lore option which produces some interesting choices for a Community Center run, but would make the game quite easy if you chose the Joja route. It is recommended to reduce your profit in the character creation options when choosing a Joja route with this option on, unless you want a very easy game.

Artifact Buffs Option

I highly suggest to use Trinkets to Treasures (Simplified) instead.

Before I had permission to post TTT(S), there were many requests for an artifact buff option. Turn on this option to buff the prices of artifacts (it is Default Off). I personally use Trinkets to Treasures instead as I enjoy working for it a bit, but this option is still there for those who want it.

All artifacts increase in value by 5x except
Golden Mask/Golden Relic - 25x
Strange Dolls/Dinosaur Eggs - 2.5x
Bone items - +50g (no big multiplier, so that selling them doesn't overshadow the Bone Mill)

In my game with TTT, these values are doubled, however it also requires Hardwood to craft the product, and high hearts with 2 NPCs to get the artisan machine blueprints.

1.6 Update (Spoilers):

The Treasure Appraisal Guide triples the sell prices of artifacts. That means that after finding it, your artifacts will sell for 50% more than a Display Case from Trinkets to Treasures. Using TTT, the Treasure Appraisal Guide does not affect Display Case sell prices. So, TTT is decidedly more balanced on both ends, but using this config option is not terribly unbalanced, either. The biggest imbalance is that it will make farming Dinosaur eggs very profitable and low effort.

In Closing

This is a balance mod that touches just about every aspect of Stardew Valley's profit makers. Naturally, if you are doing it all at once (Coop, Barn, Crops, Mining, etc), there will be a net increase to your profits compared to vanilla. For those who don't want to make their game any easier, they can simply set their profits to 75% at character creation for a more balanced experience, while not taking an overall boost to their profits.

I have played through a perfection save with the values and they felt good, however I did change things along the way which made it more difficult to understand. If you find any massive imbalance, please let me know in the comments.

Recommended Companion Mods

Trinkets to Treasures (Simplified) - A way of buffing artifact sell prices with the same philosophy as Price Buffs, while also adding Heart Events for the Dwarf and Krobus.

Simple Whiskey - Adds Wheat as a cash crop option, used to make Whiskey.

Better Bone Mills - This is another of my mods, that gives Bone Mills a buffed and more balanced output.

Blue Eggs and Golden Mayo - Set values to 285 for Blue Egg and 275 for Blue Mayo. This makes it equal to Void Chickens, giving you another alternate "special chicken". Golden and Ostrich Mayo can be kept at the mod's default values without interfering with Price Buff's balance.

Slime Produce - Use the unofficial 1.6 update (which I didn't make) and config file at the bottom of the forum post (which I made) that I linked here. It buffs drops from slimes in the Hutch, and gives different colored slimes unique drops.


Organic Stickers - If "CC/Joja Completion Scaling" is disabled, this mod will work well with Organic Stickers, as an alternative to having the buffs simply happen when the Community Center is completed. This pushes the buffs back even farther in the game loop to after you unlock the Qi Shop, which may result in a more balanced game for some people.

The Organic Stickers mod was created with Price Buffs in mind, and they should work well together if you don't like the CC doubling factor, just make sure you uncheck your config option, or else your profits will be way too high.


If you enjoy my mods, consider supporting me on Ko-Fi

Plus here are easy links to various other mods I've made with a similar design goal, that are not all necessarily price-related.

Game Mechanics

Balanced Green Tea
Better Bone Mills
Better Quarries
Better Trains
Better Winter Star Gifts
Price Buffs
Simple Weapon Balance
Simple Whiskey


Dwarf Sells Cheaper Bombs (with higher friendship)
More Capable Abigail
Simple Penny Expanded
Trinkets to Treasures (Simplified) - Gives more Heart Events for Dwarf and Krobus
Willy and Wizard Heart Events


No More Missables
Panda Hat and other Unobtainables