About this mod
Enjoy a one-of-a-kind wedding experience with your fave Stardew Valley NPC with More Wedding Venues! Explore various wedding destinations, and schedule your ceremony to your favorite time of the day, weather, and season. Can be used not only for normal weddings, but also for renewal of vows and also celebrating bestie day!
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Mirrors
- Changelogs
- Donations

♡ Enjoy a one-of-a-kind wedding experience with your fave Stardew Valley NPC with More Wedding Venues!
♡ Explore various wedding destinations, and schedule your ceremony to your favorite time of the day, weather, and season.
♡ Different dialogues and wedding presiders -- depending on chosen spouse, map and event mode.
♡ Can be used not only for normal weddings, but also for renewal of vows and also celebrating bestie day!
For now there are 5 destinations to choose from:
1. Beach Wedding (custom)
2. Vanilla Beach Wedding
3. Garden Wedding (custom)
4. Secret Forest Wedding
5. Chapel Wedding (custom)
⚠️ The Normal Wedding/Renewal of Vows/Bestie (Platonic) modes are triggered on the same day you give the pendant/bracelet and after you go back into the Farmhouse.
📝Checklist Before the Ceremony
- have back-up saves (Multi-Save mod)
- prep chosen outfit in advance
- wait for the desired weather, and season before proposing
- wait for desired time of ceremony before going back inside Farmhouse after proposing
- clear forages and prep lighting beforehand (for the vanilla beach and secret forest weddings -- non-custom maps)
⚠️ The original in-game wedding by Mayor Lewis will still occur after 2-3 days (didn't attempt to override this event since it's hardcoded in-game). After "paying" Mayor Lewis his "wedding tax", that's the time you're partner is officially tagged as "Spouse/Husband/Wife" in the game instead of just "Dating".

- Content Patcher
The following mods aren't required but highly recommended:
- Generic Mod Config Menu
- Multi-Save
- Platonic Friendships and Partnerships
More Wedding Venues is enabled by default, with location initially set to "Beach Wedding", and NPCs set as "Love Interest".
Remember to enable "Renew Vows" if character is already married, and switch from "Love Interest" to "Platonic" if target NPC is considered as Bestie.

♡ 12 bachelors and bachelorettes (base game)
♡ Krobus
♡ June (Ridgeside Valley)*
⚠️ Other NPCs not yet included above will continue to have the original Stardew Valley wedding instead.
*If you encounter this when marrying any NPC above during any time after Fall Year 1:
- if you don't have Ridgeside Valley mod installed:
just ignore it. This mod still works based on tests. You may also choose to simply download the Alternate version of this mod (download only 1!)
- If you got Ridgeside Valley installed:
1. just wait for Richard to come in the Farm, and
2. visit Ridgeside Valley at least once before marrying.
That message is caused by June not showing in the Relationship Menu right away until those 2 conditions above are met. But once he's there, it's all good!~👍
If you're not able to trigger the wedding event after getting in the Farmhouse and with June already in the Relationship Menu, either just wait for a few seconds to a minute for the game to refresh (depends on your system), or sleep and try the next day.
Tested and works great with:
- Platonic Partnerships and Friendships
- Free Love
Compatible but works separately:
- Elliott Immersive Wedding (custom Elliott's wedding outfit and arch will only show on Town and reception,
not during ceremonies in the More Wedding Venues mod)
- Stardew Valley Expanded (SVE NPCs will continue to have their wedding on Town -- for now -- instead of the venues here)
- Ridgeside Valley (NPCs there except June, will continue to have their wedding on Town -- for now -- instead of the venues here)
Does NOT work with:
- anything multiplayer (no player-to-player wedding yet; other players won't be able to join the weddings from this mod,
only the original one by Mayor Lewis in Town)
- marrying the same NPC again after divorce and choosing exactly the same venue chosen prior (works fine if marrying a different NPC after a divorce, or at least choosing a different venue not yet chosen before)
Hit or Miss (sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't during tests -- can't do anything about it🤷):
- mods that change the Farmhouse layout using PyTK
NOT tested on:
- Android
- Stardew Valley 1.6 alpha/beta