About this mod
Seasonal Outfits, Events and Dialogues, Shane’s Shop and New Items, Schedules, New Shane’s Barn Location, Map Edits, New Furniture and more.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Spanish
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- Changelogs
Shane is my absolute favorite in the game for manypersonal reasons. So, I decided to go above and beyond for him with this update
and give our Chicken Man tons of new content. Hope you enjoy it!

What's New:
- New Outfits
- - Seasonal outfits (and an indoors outfit for fall and winter).
- Completely new character Sprites (versions: with nose, without nose).
- Joja Portrait to go with Shane's vanilla Joja sprites.
- 'Cool' Outfit. A retextured outfit from Emily’s Clothing Therapy event as a possible everyday outfit.
- "How to unlock ‘Cool’ Outfit"
- - Have seen Shane’s 8H event.
- Have seen Emily’s 8H event.
When NOT married to Shane: After seeing both events, talk to Shane to trigger a special conversation topic with him about Emily’s Clothing therapy (That conversation might not come up immediately, sometimes you need to click a few times or on a different day).
When MARRIED to Shane: This conversation will be available to you on Day 15 (any season). After you’ve picked your answer it won’t come up anymore.
Shane will ask you whether he should embrace wearing that 'Cool' Outfit as he liked it a lot. You will be given 3 options:
- - Of course! You looked so cool in it! (Each day there will be a 10% chance Shane will wear this outfit. There’s a 30% chance Shane will wear it during some of the festivals: Spirit’s Eve, Moonlight Jellies or Flower Dance. You can disable the outfit later through the config file).
- Umm, it's a bit too much for an everyday outfit... (Sets a 50% chance Shane will wear that outfit during some of the festival days: Spirit’s Eve, Moonlight Jellies or Flower Dance. You can disable the outfit later through the config file).
- NO! Please don't. (Shane won’t wear this outfit.)
- Two New Events (Both in 3 parts, so technically 6 events)
- - Dinner Party Events (8H event for Shane, Marnie, and Jas).
- New 14H Events (replaces the default one).
- "Dinner Party Events Details"
I must admit, some of these are a bit lengthy (not too much, but still). I felt like I needed to fit just a bit more content into them than vanilla events.
--- Part 1 -----------------------------------------
- Must currently have 8 hearts or more with Shane, Marnie and Jas,
- Have seen Shane’s 8H event,
- It must be year 3 or later,
- 9:00 – 18:00 (9:00AM – 6:00PM),
- Sunny.
What to do:
Enter the Animal Shop. Farmer and Marnie will watch Shane and Jas play hide-and-seek. Shane will trick Jas in an attempt to win, but that will backfire. Marnie and Farmer will share a warm conversation watching these two from afar. You can have an additional conversation with Shane and Jas after this event.
--- Part 2 -----------------------------------------
- Have seen Part 1,
- At least one day must have passed since Part 1,
- 9:00 – 18:00 (9:00AM – 6:00PM).
What to do:
Enter Pierre’s Shop. Farmer will find Shane there, looking puzzled. Talk to him to find out what’s on his mind. You can have an additional conversation with Shane and Pierre after this event.
This event will offer you a choice. Help Shane make a Pink Cake for Jas as an apology for tricking her earlier or refuse to help. If you agree to help, you will be given a Quest to complete in order to see Part 3 event. If you refuse though this live of events will come to an end.
--- Part 3 -----------------------------------------
- Have seen Part 2,
- At least one day must have passed since Part 2,
- Agreed to help Shane in the previous event and thus have the “Family Dinner” Quest active,
- Have Pink Cake in your inventory,
- 17:00 – 19:30 (5:00PM – 7:30PM).
What to do:
Enter the Animal Shop. Welcome to a family dinner. Have a nice chat with Shane, Marnie and Jas while enjoying the food!
This event will offer you to choose a toast for the occasion. The first two are sweet, but the last one will lead to losing friendship points with everyone in the room (why would you even say it, really?).
- "14H Events Details"
I felt like Shane’s vanilla events weren’t quite… satisfying. And didn’t fit well with the 14H events which supposed to show your spouse’s growth and give you two a meaningful moment to share I kept the premise of Farmer and Marnie catching Shane sneaking into the Saloon but changed the whole purpose behind it. It’s simple but rather sweet. Hope you like it guys!
--- Part 1 -----------------------------------------
- Must be married to Shane,
- Must currently have 14 hearts with Shane,
- NOT a Festival day,
- NOT winter,
- 12:00 – 20:00 (12:00PM – 8:00PM),
- Sunny.
What to do:
Enter Town. Farmer, Marnie and Jas, as in the default event, will notice coming out of the Saloon. Shane looking a bit stressed hurries home. Farmer discusses it with Marnie and Jas. You can have an additional conversation with Shane and Jas after this event.
--- Part 2 -----------------------------------------
This event is QUITE lengthy compared to vanilla ones. I apologize for that. But I really wanted to make it that way.
- Must be married to Shane,
- Must currently have 14 hearts with Shane,
- Must have seen Part 1,
- At least one day must have passed since Part 1,
- NOT a Festival day,
- 16:00 – 22:00 (4:00PM – 10:00PM).
What to do:
Enter Town. Farmer secretly watches as Shane enters the Saloon again. After a moment of hesitation, they decide to follow him there. Find out what he’s really been up to. You can have an additional conversation with Shane and Gus (hard to trigger) after this event.
This event presents you with a choice: React apologetically for being curious and following Shane into the bar. Or lay out your initial suspicions to him, telling him you thought he was drinking there again. The choice is yours, and each option will lead to Part 3 but with a different tone and mood.
--- Part 3 -----------------------------------------
Be aware that if you’ve got some mods that change the default layout and appearance of the kitchen, this event might look weird.
- Farmhouse must be upgraded to at least level 2,
- Must be married to Shane,
- Must currently have 14 hearts with Shane,
- Must have seen Part 2,
- Only in case if you chose an apologetic (first) answer in Part 2: least 4 days must have passed since Part 2,
- 8:00 – 12:00 (8:00AM – 12:00PM),
- Sunny.
What to do:
Enter the Farmhouse between 8:00 and 12:00. Shane will be busy in the kitchen. Join him for a sweet conversation and continuation of the Part 2 event. It will be slightly different depending on your choice in the Part 2. You can have an additional conversation with Shane after this event.
This event will offer you to choose a toast for the occasion. The first two are sweet, but the last one will lead to losing friendship points with everyone in the room (why would you even say it, really?).
- New Dialogues and Gift Tastes
- - Friends/Dating/Engaged. Replaces some of the more negative and alcohol related dialogues AFTER Shane’s 6.8H event.
- Spouse. Replaces and adds many spouse dialogues to reflect on Shane’s growth. (There are about 50 replaced or new lines!).
- Shane will now refuse all the Alcohol Gifts after his 6H event, except on the Festival Days.
- Shane now likes Joja Cola.
- "Dialogue Changes"
I know I might have made many mistakes in the description, but I promise I double checked all the dialogues and text for the events thoroughly. English is not my first language, but I tried my best. If you find any mistakes, let me know!
If you’re eager to read them all beforehand go into my mod’s folder and look for the i18n subfolder there. All the new dialogues lines are stored in the default.json file.
Everyday Dialogue Changes (Friend, Dating, Engaged):
- Entering resort line,
- Pam’s house upgrade comment (anonymous or not),
- Standard friendship dialogues (Mon, Tue, Fri and Sun dialogues for 8 hearts. Tue, Fri for dialogues 10 hearts),
- Flower dance accept invitation to dance line,
- Changed one of the Engagement dialogues where Shane mentions alcohol,
- Changed his line for when he’s a vendor during the Desert festival.
Dialogue Changes AFTER 6H event:
- A line when accepting a Stardrop Tea will not mention alcohol now,
- Added season specific lines a day before Shane visits the clinic (Spring 4, Fall 4),
- New lines for when Shane is at the Saloon on Friday,
- New line for when Shane is at Marnie’s shop on Wednesday.
Festival Dialogue Changes AFTER 8H event:
- Every default dialogue line changed for the next festivals: Egg Festival, Flower Dance, Spirit’s Eve and Winter Star.
Spouse Dialogue Changes:
- Standard lines when Shane is inside or outside (Rainy days 1-4, Rainy Night 1-4, Indoor Day 0, 1, 2, 3 and 5, Indoor Night 0-4, Outdoor 0,1, OneKid 0, TwoKids 0,2 and 3, Good 0,2,4,5,6 and 8, Neutral 4-6),
- Season specific changes (Spring 1, Summer 10, Summer 27, Fall 1, Fall 17, Winter 28),
- spouseRoom_Shane (when Shane is at his standard spouse room),
- funLeave and funReturn (the ones your spouse says whenever they are going to leave the farmhouse for work or a walk) have been changed to have a random dialogue line instead as Shane is going to be out and about for about 3-4 days a week and the same default dialogue line would’ve driven you mad,
- every second year (every even year) dialogues changed for the next festivals: Festival of Ice, Moonlight Jellies and Flower Dance,
- Flower dance spouse accept invitation to dance line.
- Schedule Changes (There are several schedule changes for Shane and for some townies)
- - Shane (Will visit Harvey for a check-up twice a year, spend 3 days a week at his shop, spend time at his Barn, spend more time with Jas).
- Townies (There are minor changes for Harvey, Marnie, Jodi, Gus and Evelyn).
"Schedule Changes"
I know I might have made many mistakes in the description, but I promise I double checked all the dialogues and text for the events thoroughly. English is not my first language, but I tried my best. If you find any mistakes, let me know!
After 6.8H Event, when the weather is sunny, windy or snowy.
Spring, 5 and Fall, 5 (the Clinic Day for Shane):
07:00Heads to the Clinic,
09:10At the clinic (has a new line there!),
12:00Goes to stand near the river, next to the sewer entrance,
16:00Heads to the Saloon,
20:00Heads to the Animal Shop,
23:00Goes to bed.
Spring, 7 and 21: Same as Sunday, Winter,
Fall, 7 and 21: Same as Sunday, Winter
07:00At the Animal Shop,
10:10Heads to the tree near Sam’s house and stands there with the kids and Penny,
12:00Heads to the playground with Jas (has a new line there!),
17:00Goes back to stand under the tree with the kids and Penny,
20:00Heads to the Animal Shop,
23:00Goes to bed.
Sunday, Summer:
7:00 At the Animal Shop,
11:10 Heads out with Jas and stands looking at the cows outside the Animal Shop (has a new line there!),
13:20Heads to the Beach with Jas (has a new line there!),
16:00Leaves the Beach and heads back to the Animal shop,
19:00At the Animal Shop,
23:00Goes to bed.
Sunday, Winter:
08:00At the Animal Shop,
11:10Heads out with Jas and stands under the tree near the Traveling merchant cart (has a new line there!),
15:00Goes back to the Animal shop,
19:00At the Animal Shop,
23:00Goes to bed.
After 8H event.
Tuesday, Thursday:
08:00At the Animal Shop,
12:00Heads to his Barn at the back of the Animal Shop,
15:00Goes around the Barn talking to his chickens (has a new line with every chicken he stops near!),
22:00Heads back to the Animal Shop,
23:00Goes to bed.
Spouse Schedule.
Any season, 13 and 27:
08:00Heads to the Animal Shop,
10:10Heads to the tree near Sam’s house with Jas and stands there with the kids and Penny,
12:00Heads to the playground with Jas (has a line there!),
17:00Goes back to stand under the tree with the kids and Penny,
20:00Heads to the Animal Shop with Jas,
20:30Goes home to sleep.
Any season, 6 and 20:
09:00Heads to the Animal Shop (has a line there!),
13:00Heads to his Barn at the back of the Animal Shop,
14:00Goes around the Barn talking to his chickens (has a new line with every chicken he stops near!),
18:00Leaves the Barn,
20:00Goes home to sleep.
After Shane opens his Shop.
Mon, Wed, Fri:
07:00At the Animal Shop,
08:40Heads out to his booth near the Saloon,
10:00Opens his Shop (has new lines there!),
17:00Closes his shop, heads out to the Saloon,
22:00Heads back to the Animal Shop and goes to bed.
When Married (Mon, Wed, Fri):
08:30Heads out to his booth near the Saloon,
10:00Opens his Shop (has lines there!),
17:00Closes his shop, heads out to the Saloon,
21:00Heads back home and goes to bed.
- Shane’s Shop, New Items and A New Chicken
- - You can help Shane open A Little Shop after his 8H Event. You’ll need to talk to him about it twice, encourage this idea and finish a Special Order to build his booth. Be aware that you can pretty much fail it.
- Shane’s Shop comes with lots of New Chicken-related Items. Among them are: Blue and purple eggs, New types of Mayo, Pickled eggs, Chicken Hats, Chicken Statues, Decorative items from the Egg festival,
- After opening the shop, you'll be able to make your own Golden, Blue, Purple and Brown Mayo (keep in mind that you'll need to put 3 eggs of each kind into the machine to get this new type of mayo. Your mayo will always be silver and provide less bonuses than the ones sold by Shane).
- After opening the shop, you’ll be able to hatch Blue and Purple Chickens from Blue and Purple Eggs, respectively.
- "How to open Shane’s Shop"
If you succeed, Shane’s Shop will be open on Mon, Wed and Fri, 10:00-17:00 . It must NOT be Winter and it must NOT be raining.
Shane will be selling different things every season:
- - Purple and Brown egg products in Spring,
- Blue and Golden egg products in Summer (he will also very rarely sell golden eggs after you unlock them in the game),
- White and Black egg products in Fall,
- Shane will randomly sell Chicken Hats and Chicken Statues,
- A Mysterious Egg (that just looks like an egg) will also randomly appear at his shop.
He will also open his booth during the Egg Festival every even year (2,4,6,8 etc.) and sell some new décor and his rarest goods like Golden Mayo or Mysterious Eggs there.
When NOT married to Shane.
- - Have seen Shane’s 8H event,
- Finished Community Center (only for the Second Conversation).
First Conversation: About 4 days after seeing Shane’s 8H event you will trigger a new conversation with him (it might not come up immediately but it will, try to talk to him a few times). Shane will tell you that lately he’s been thinking about opening his own shop. You can either support or doubt him – it won’t really matter at this point.
Second Conversation: Next if you’ve finished Community Center AND it’s been at least a week since the first conversation, Shane will have a new one. And this time he’ll inform you that he’s very much ready to open his new shop. All he needs is to build a small booth, and he’ll ask you for help. If you turn him down Shane won’t open his shop. If you agree to help him you’ll start a new special order.
Special order (for Two Weeks):You’ll need to collect the following items: 100 pieces of Hardwood, 40 Clay, 15 Iron Bars, and 10 Joja Colas.
Place them in a blue Joja Box in his room at the Animal Shop. Be aware that if you don’t finish it in time and fail this order, Shane won’t ever open his Shop as well.
If you successfully finish this quest Shane will send you a letter next day inviting you to visit his Shop near the Saloon.
(Don't forget to open this letter as it's an important trigger for this mod and for Shane's Shop to work properly!)
When MARRIED to Shane.
If for some reason you missed these conversations before marrying Shane or you just installed the mod while already being married to Shane in your save, you too have a way to open his shop.
- - Have Shane as your spouse,
- Finished Community Center (only for the Second Conversation).
First Conversation: It will be available to you on Day 9 or 22 (any season). Talk to Shane on that day. Sometimes another dialogue rewrites this conversation. Try clicking on Shane again after his daily dialogue or wait till another Day 9 or 22.
Second Conversation: It will be available to you on Day 9 or 22 (any season) after you've finished the first conversation. It will go the same as in an unmarried version above and you will too have to finish a Special Order if you agree to help Shane.
Special order (for Two Weeks): Goes the same as in an unmarried version of it.
- Shane’s Chicken Barn
- - Shane’s Barn from his 8H event will be accessible after said event.
- Shane will spend time there on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
- "How to get to the Barn"
- You can access Shane’s Barn After Shane's 8H Event. Enter through the normally locked door at the back of the Marnie’s Kitchen (and only if you currently have 8 hearts or more with Shane!). I made a few changes to the map, added a new sign and new chickens inside.
- Shane will normally spend time there on Tuesdays and Thursdays. But it's a bit different if you're married to Shane.(see Schedule Changes).
- He’ll have A Unique Line with every chicken he stops by (and he’ll talk to different chickens on Tue and Thu by the way).
- There are also a few new messages around the map that you can click on.

- New Furniture (Furniture Framework mod is needed!).
- - A Wooden Cabinet (6 slots) for small items and A Smaller Wooden Cabinet (6 slots) that can change size.
- A variety of Sectional Shelves.
- Small Chicken Paintings (6 in 1) and (3 in 1). (Check mod's Images Tab for pictures).
- "How to Unlock the Furniture"
- - Unlock Shane’s Shop,
- Buy at least one New Chicken Statue of every color from Shane’s Shop.
There are 5 new Chicken Statues at Shane’s shop: Blue, Brown, Golden, Black, and Purple. (I made them to complement the vanilla White Chicken artifact, so that together they can make a cute looking collection.) These statues are sold randomly across different seasons. After you’ve purchased one of each, you’ll receive A Letter from Shane thanking you for supporting his shop. Along with the letter, he’ll send you a nice wooden cabinet to display your statues. He’ll also mention that Robin has created a whole New Furniture Catalogue, which you can occasionally find at her shop for 30,000 G.
- Maps edits
- - Spouse Patio edit.
- Spouse Room edit AND an optional Empty Spouse Room that you can decorate to your liking (wallpapers and floors included).
- Shane’s room at Marnie’s Shop edit. After Shane’s 8H event his room there becomes cleaner. It’s a necessary one as there’s a new item in the edited room that will be needed for Shane’s Shop quest.
- Shane’s Chicken Barn Map from 8H event (changed the layout, added new chickens sitting around, and new map notes to inspect).
Configuration options
- "For Shane 1.6 [FULL] version"
[Use New Portraits/Sprites or Not]
SMAPI will show you a yellow warning when you disable either of the options in this section. It's alright, it's just because of the way it's coded to load in the game, so pay no attention to it. You'll also need to reload the save when you enable/disable any of them.
Seasonal Outfits [True/False]
- – Whether to use my new Portraits and Sprites for Shane or not. Turn them off in case you're already using another mod for Shane.
Cool Outfit (additional) [True/False]
- – My mod introduces an additional outfit from Emily's Clothing therapy and it's tied to the new content. You can turn it off if you're using some other portrait mod. It won't matter too much.
[Appearance Settings]
Shane's Sprite Face
- - Edited (No Nose) – Shane’s sprites will resemble other character’s sprites more, no nose and bigger eyes.
- Default (With Nose) – Shane’s face on sprites will be with nose and smaller eyes, as in vanilla version.
Shane's Painting (the one you can get from the Traveling Merchant when married to someone)
- - With Chicken – Shane will appear holding a chicken on the painting,
- Without Chicken – The default like painting with just Shane on it.
Cool Outfit (After Unlocking)
- - True, False – If you unlocked Shane’s outfit from Clothing Therapy but it’s starting to annoy you randomly appearing around and during festivals, just turn toggle it on or off whenever you like.
[Rooms Settings]
Spouse Room
- - Edited – a cleaner, cozy version of the default Shane’s spouse room,
- Empty – an empty spouse room for you to decorate. Change wallpapers and floors, put your paintings and furniture. There’s just one tile on the floor where you can’t put anything, the one where Shane will stand while in his room.
- Default – vanilla dirty room. If you’ve got other mods that change spouse room, choose this option in my mod so that it doesn’t conflict with your preferred map for the room.
Spouse Patio
- - Edited, Default – a new version of Shane’s patio. If you’ve got other mods that change it, choose the “default” option in my mod so that it doesn’t conflict with your preferred mod for the patio.
- "For Shane 1.6 [LITE] version"
[Appearance Settings]
Shane's Sprite Face
- - Edited (No Nose) – Shane’s sprites will resemble other character’s sprites more, no nose and bigger eyes.
- Default (With Nose) – Shane’s face on sprites will be with nose and smaller eyes, as in vanilla version.
Shane's Painting (the one you can get from the Traveling Merchant when married to someone)
- - With Chicken – Shane will appear holding a chicken on the painting,
- Without Chicken – The default like painting with just Shane on it.
Shane's Cool Outfit
- - Always On – There’s a 10% chance every day Shane will wear this outfit around,
- On During Festivals – Shane might randomly wear it during Spirit's Eve, Flower Dance or Moonlight Jellies. Applies only after Shane's 8H Event and Emily's 8H Event!
- Off – The outfit is turned off and never used.
[Rooms Settings]
Spouse Room
- - Edited – a cleaner, cozier version of the default Shane’s spouse room,
- Empty – an empty spouse room for you to decorate. Change wallpapers and floors, put your paintings and furniture. There’s just one tile on the floor where you can’t put anything, the one where Shane will stand while in his room.
- Default – vanilla dirty room. If you’ve got other mods that change spouse room, choose this option in my mod so that it doesn’t conflict with your preferred map for the room.
Spouse Patio
- - Edited, Default – a new version of Shane’s patio. If you’ve got other mods that change it, choose the “default” option in my mod so that it doesn’t conflict with your preferred mod for the patio.
Marnie's Shop Room
- - Edited, Default – a cleaner version of Shane's room at Marnie's ranch. Applies only after Shane's 8h-event. Turn it off if it conflicts with your other mods that change Marnie’s Shop map.
How to install:
- Have Content Patcher installed
- Have Furniture Framework installed if you're using the FULL version of the mod. If you're using the LITE one, you don't need it.
- Download a version of the mod you prefer. There are currently 2 versions available (use only one at a time!):
- - Shane 1.6 [FULL] (All the new features and New Look),
- Shane 1.6 [LITE] (Only new outfits and some map edits). - Unzip the folder inside the archive into your Mods folder.
- Highly recommend using Generic Mod Config Menu by spacechase0 to change mod's settings more comfortably. Or just change config.json file in the mod's folder manually.
This mod can and will conflict with any other mod that changes:
- Shane's appearance and Spouse rooms,
- Animal Shop map and Town map,
- And only when married: Saloon map and Farmhouse map for the new 14H Event.
Check my mods page for other SV characters mods. So far I've done:
- Abigail
- Clint 1.6 (+Seasonal+Festivals)
- Demetrius
- Elliott (+Seasonal+Book Reading Schedule+Furniture)
- Harvey (+Seasonal+New schedule for Aerobics)
- Leah 1.6 (+Seasonal+Festivals+Furniture)
- Marnie 1.6 (+Seasonal+Festivals)
- Maru 1.6 (+Seasonal)
- Robin
- Sebastian
- Shane 1.6 New Content and Look (Seasonal)